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RE: Trump: Intervention in Middle East was 'worst decision in US history'

in #threespeak5 years ago

he is right, it's not debatable... they try to fight for themselves... fight is a big word...

20-30 millions are stateless...



is it just?

is it just that the friends of epstein have immunity cards?

many americans love to say that french are cowards, maybe, but not traitors.

so americans, traitors, unable to have justice for the victims of epstein, or help those fight along side...

the real thing is that they all fight for turkey, and turkey play them all masterfully...

and the thing is from turkey to iran, they breed and breed and breed...


who cares... what does it change? what difference does it makes? nothin...

just wasting my time.

have fun !

and long live the "allied" of the usa... when will they be kurded too?

ohh turkey is better... yeah...

the darling, playing them all like pawns, from russia to usa to europe...

after all they took over constantinopole... they are certainly way better than I represent myself...

in the sense that this city felt for the same reason...

ohh yeah they shiny toys compared to the hordes...

of course

and a great organization...

but I think they lacked the will

the classical...

when women enter politics, it's one step later only that the mass rapes begins...

after all... they should be in the kitchen, and they fact they aren't tells a lot about them...

but it's normal...

you think that the Khan china could have been invaded by foreigners? hahahaha... never.

and why? because women prefer to be raped than to fight... it's the way of survival...

they can't fight it.

and the khan? because you lie you die.

that's organization

like why do you protect bill clinton while he rapes children on island?

facing the khan the mighty director of the cia, fbi, dod, or what ever, better tell the truth, instantly.

any lie = die.


law and order...


: you lie you die.

the rest is not bad, at least there is no lie...

let's see the problem...
