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RE: 3Speak's STEEM Burn Initiative! #NewSteem

in #threespeak6 years ago

If you're relying on or expecting average users to burn a portion of their already minimal rewards, you should pass over a little bit of what you're smoking. My understanding of the main reason behind implementing the EIP is because it's a non-starter to rely on people to be altruistic and sacrifical for the betterment of an online, economic community like this.

I think it's a bad sign as well that most suggestions I see for how to drive up price or onboard more users seem to focus largely on the "scarcity" side of the "supply and demand" equation. Rather than artificially trying to increase the scarcity of something that isn't scarce -- effort and energy should be put forward to increase the demand for Steem.

Since 3Speak is supposed to be a home . hosting platform for video content creators deplatformed elsewhere -- maybe there are services that could be offered if payment is remitted in STEEM:

  • Struggling video teams may need help w/ editing;
  • Perhaps a critical review of composition, content and formatting w/ suggestions and notes;
  • Maybe offer some lessons is rhetoric, logic, or how to form an argument so their ideas can be more easily digested;

I feel like there are more useful avenues that one could go down to try to improve prices. Offer something that isn't offered somewhere else, rather than "burn a portion of what you have, in an effort to make people pay more for what hasn't been burnt".