Greetings artists and art lovers
Welcome to my little art blog, I present a new video tutorial, where we will create a digital design using simply our Android phone or tablet, with the IBISPAINT X drawing program, I hope you can appreciate my art and enjoy the process, if you I like what I do your support will fill me with courage and motivation. To follow, a comment will always please the author. LET'S START ...
I hope you like it!
It is a pleasure to show you my art through a video, I hope that the next few minutes will be entertaining for you and that I can contribute something of value to the community and the facilities of the 3Speak platform
▶️ 3Speak

It's amazing how constant you are and the way you get better and better through daily practice in your drawings. The selection of colors is also phenomenal and all this is due to your constancy and perseverance to always do a good job on every digital artwork. The detail of this beautiful and interesting girl in her hair is super elegant with a very accurate color and that matches perfectly with her skin. She has eyes with well worked features and a deep and conquering look. Her physique is complementarily very nice with nose and fine eyes that stylize her and her hair with beautiful tail is the perfect complement. You worked perfectly this beautiful girl and her hair that falls on the forehead gave her a spectacular shape. Congratulations on your great work. Have a beautiful day. Happiness and love to all with strong and loving hugs.
Hey thank so much friend 🤗
Al ver tu video por un segundo me pareció que ibas a dibujar a Lara Croft. Que bonita habilidad tienes para manejar tus herramientas de diseño y poder crear y compartirlo con nosotros. Felicidades @jordangerder sigue así y llegarás lejos con la practica y la constancia. Me gustaría saber que es lo que más te gusta dibujar.
Hahahha Lara Croft, Thanks my friend 🤗
good friend work, this time you present us a more real girl and not so of terror or fantasy, I like very much the combination of colors between the brown hair and the color of the skin. Excellent work as always, Congratulations. Keep it up and don't let it go. Greetings!
Hey thank so much friend 🤗
Felicitaciones Jordán continua con tu maravilloso trabajo, la constancia y disciplina cada vez te hacen mejor. Buena vibra.
Posted using Partiko Android
Muchas gracias amiga por tu apoyo 🤗
she's a very interesting girl. From now on, I like her personality.
Hey thank so much 🤗
Another beautifully done art buddy, I like the process of the hair and the way you perfectly did the eyebrows once again, the brown colors is really cool how you depicted it, it's really amazing.
Thanks so much 🤗
It's amazing how talented you are and how you improve every day all the drawings you share with us. The selection of colors is also phenomenal and all this is due to their constancy and perseverance to always do a good job on each artwork both your physical drawings as well as your foray into digital artwork. The detail of this beautiful and interesting girl in her hair is super elegant with a very precious color and that matches perfectly with her skin, I like her very much. Her physique is very nice with nose and fine eyes that stylize her and her hair with beautiful tail is the perfect complement, very well done! You worked perfectly with this beautiful girl. Congratulations on your great work. Have a good day. Greetings and good vibe.