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RE: Call to Action! Rate and Review 3Speak Android and Apple Apps!

in #threespeaklast year (edited)

No worries.

Thank you for replying.

Sorry if my comment was a bit blunt. We have seen many abusers, and because of this, we are cautious.

But I do recommend sticking to one account. If you stick with one account, you may have better results and more trust from the community and curators.

Have a great day!


But I do recommend sticking to one account. If you stick with one account, you may have better results and more trust from the community and curators.

Thank you so much for solid advice.

Sorry if my comment was a bit blunt. We have seen many abusers, and because of this, we are cautious.

You did every thing keeping in mind the community's welfare.

Thank you for replying.

No problem and I should be thankful for giving me guidance on these sensitive things.