I think I misinterpreted some of it and said it incorrectly @exyle.
I click on the @threespeak video, it goes to 3speak.online and then while I am watching the video I try to upvote, but then it tells me to login first.. so I login and then...
- It takes me to a different page on 3speak.online
And I have no idea how to navigate back to the watch page of the video I was watching.
If I copy and paste the video URL it logs me out. I am not sure if this is related to @steemit, @threespeak or what, but my experience on @threespeak has not been good.
I love the idea but this gets in the way in me enjoying their platform.
We are aware of this issue and are working on it @chrisrice. its a great point and needs to be resolved.
Thanks for pointing it out!
Thank you too @starkers. If you create a forum on @tokenbb for feedback, I might be able to offer more constructive criticism 👍