
I don't know Mike Tyson at all, and if we met he'd probably hit me. Neither do I know Don King. I am glad of that.

You speak of your values, and that is what I addressed, not my personal knowledge. I said you sound like a Don King wannabe, because the values you communicated were elevating money above all else. You may not know what it is you're selling. Perhaps it would be instructive for you to review your statements, so that you could understand why I have responded as I have.

You may not have such crass values. I wouldn't know that from your written statements. Our nicks both refer to commercial undertakings. However, my comments do not indicate I have an overriding concern for mammon. Yours do. You indicate that the only thing that matters to you is money in your comments about Steem I have observed.

That's on you.

You make a lot of assumptions. That's on you.

"Monetization in the influence sphere all that matters to influencers."

That's not my assumption. That's your statement.

That's what drives it according to Facebook and Instagram. I've sat in the meetings. They know better than you. This has nothing to do with me. It is what it is. Stop making assumptions about me. You are shopping in the wrong mall lol

Quit bullshitting me. You can say whatever you want, but if you want to speak the truth your words must be limited to factual reality. Almost none of the users of Fakebook and Instaspam gain income thereby, and you and your ilk are simply mimicking Don King's willingness to exchange every societal value for money.

That's what you say, and that's what you do, and your denial you do so reveals you know it's bad.

Live with the shame. May you live a thousand years knowing this about you.

You are so off base its unreal. I have only been speaking about influencer strategy implemented my the social media companies not general usership. You seem to be little more than an idiot. Time to leave me alone. You have sentenced me to a thousand years of nothing because you are absolutely on the wrong track. Get a life

Your words here don't well address the issues, and the statement I quoted above reveals your primary focus on your own aggrandizement. Abusing society for profit is something scum do. When you quit advocating it, I'll be happy to ignore you until you do something good.

Money isn't evil. Valuing it more highly than society is.