Trump: Intervention in Middle East was 'worst decision in US history'

in #threespeak5 years ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that "meddling in the Middle East was the worst decision in US history" after a US force was withdrawn from areas near the Turkish border in Syria.

The surprise decision on Sunday appeared to be a US green light for a Turkish military operation against Kurdish forces allied with Washington in the fight against jihadists.

Trump, who has faced criticism since Sunday even inside his camp, has doubled the sometimes contradictory statements about this to a file and threatened Turkey with harsh economic sanctions if it "exceeded the limit."

But he seems determined to “end the endless wars,” which was one of his election promises.

"The United States should not have gone to the Middle East," Trump said in a tweet on Twitter. "Endless stupid wars are over for us."

"Slowly and safely, we are bringing our wonderful soldiers and soldiers home," he said, explaining that conflicts in the Middle East have cost the United States about "$ 8,000bn" as well as thousands of lives.

"We went to war because of the wrong premise and it turned out to be: weapons of mass destruction. There were none, ”he said, referring to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.




Trump criticizes the Kurds and says they have helped the United States in Syria only for their own interests (2).jpg

US President Donald Trump criticized the Kurds on Wednesday, saying they had not helped the United States during World War II, and that they were only fighting for their land in Syria during the battle with IS.

Trump said at an event in the White House's Roosevelt Room that Kurds were fighting for territory.
Trump referred to an article on the Kurds. “As one of them wrote, the Kurds did not help us in World War II and they did not help us in Normandy, but they did help us to help them in their land.
Trump did not specify which article he was referring to, but some on Twitter cited an article by Kurt Schlichter in Town Hill.

Trump's comments at the White House came as Turkey launched an offensive in northern Syria against US-allied Kurdish forces.

Trump paved the way for the Turkish offensive when it was announced earlier this week, angering the Republican Party, whose leaders have said Trump's decision is a betrayal of a pro-US ally.

Trump insisted that the United States has spent enormous sums to help Kurds buy ammunition and weapons.

"After all, we love the Kurds, yes, they fought with us, but they are fighting for their land," Trump said.
The SDF denounced Trump's decision as a "back stab".
