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RE: Small breaks here and there feel good

in #thoughts4 months ago

Wow that's most peoples wet dream haha. I read in one of your blogs that you will probably look for someone who will take your spot after a while. What are you going to do to pass time after that expect playing holozing? Isn't it boring sometimes? I would know because hive has been my bread and butter for 2 years now. I'm at home so sometimes it's gets really boring you know so I'm thinking about getting a job soon xD.

My friend's brother also had the same issue and he is now working at an office with half the salary than what he was making while he was working from home. Terrible for health as well since you'll probably be sitting at home doing less movements.


I plan on doing some traveling and getting more active socially here mainly, post and comment more and that fun stuff I kinda miss even though I try to fit in every now and then.

I'd also like to pick up some other things I've kinda neglected the past few years when there's been a lot to do on here. Running quite a few projects hasn't been easy.