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RE: Aussie fires get personal

in #thoughts5 years ago

Not good news mate sorry to hear that they lost so much. Unfortunately so many are going through the same thing such a sad state of affairs these fire's.


Yeah, I know...There's a bit to sort out. Insurance will cover it but that's not really going to bring everything back is it? Tragic fire season so far huh? Kind makes me wonder what it's all about...They talk about global warming and all but I don't know...

Money does not bring back the memories, photos etc. Hope they will be okay. The NSW government reduce fire service funding by a large amount can't be helping the situation.

Yes, all States doing that I think. Maybe they'll think again when this season is all done and dusted. You know the CFS told me I can't join as I live 5km too far from the station. And yet they are desperate for volunteers with the average age of blokes on trucks being 60 years old. Mental.

Also, I heard the Greenies don't allow a scrub clearing in a lot of parks these days, government supported. More dead undergrowth means more fuel and less accessibility...Maybe a factor in the fires this season?

Yep, the mementos and keepsakes...Can't ever be replaced. My mother in law had one of my dad's paintings in her house when it burned...It's not the few thousand dollars it was worth, it's the fact he will never paint another. Stuff like that is irreplaceable.

Photos should be scanned and stored in a cloud anyway. Losing keepsakes and pets is tough.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes the greenies have stopped a lot of burn offs and as you say the fuel load builds up and becomes a big hazard.

Posted using Partiko Android

Not sure if that's what made this summer so bad, but bears some consideration maybe?