Materialism. I can't lie and say owning a Lambo wouldn't be nice. It would be incredibly nice. It's a million dollar piece of art. It's a status symbol. But status symbols don't make people happy. Living a meaningful live makes people happy. Too many people are dreaming plastic dreams. They're fake and you probably know it.
You don't believe in shooting stars? But shoes and cars?
Protecting the Ideal Image
I mean do you really need another pair of shoes? I can understand owning a couple pairs for different situations, but to spend two Franklins on a pair of shoes that you might wear twice? They don't even look that comfortable either. But you need to be respectable. Nobody wants to be at the bottom of the social totem pole. I don't know what makes you happy. But forging a fake image of yourself to showcase the world? How's being fake going to get you where you want to be in reality? Maybe I'm lost and should start buying my way to happiness.
That's the one thing that always bothering me about networking. It wasn't the people, it was the plastic. A bunch of people pretending to like each other with a underlying agenda underneath. I've always commented to those close around me that I hate people, especially large groups of people. But I don't hate people. I love them. All my best memories come from hanging with friends and family and being authentic. I hate the plastic, and society is moving us to become more and more fake.
You might have heard this before:
It's not lying. Everybody does it.
Playing the Game
I used to believe that being rich would make me happy. But all you see is successful people unhappy. Like they are missing something. Or maybe they are still chasing some delusion. Or maybe they enjoy the game. I do not like playing the game.
I would rather find some new experience or experiment with a new hobby. I enjoy writing. I hate social media. All the pandering and the begging for attention. I know that it sucks when nobody pays attention to you. But you don't have to be an attention whore and you don't have to be fake just because you want everyone to like you. And you don't have to beg to be liked. But everybody acts like that anyway. And you get a bunch of passive aggressive people and a pile of garbage.
People have dreams of becoming rich on this platform. What a joke. You don't even know why you want to be rich. What's the point? I'm writing to write. In high school, I would spend hours writing about stuff people would never even read. But cashing out those checks. Feels good.
Positivity or Plastic Rigidity?
There are those who believe in being positive and encouraging. However, there's a point where the sentiment loses any feeling and turns apathetic. You want examples?
Thanks for sharing...
beautiful share
Great post Thanks for sharing
People say nice things because it is expected that they say nice things. How at you doing? I'm good. But are they really good? They could be having the worst day of their life. But we are expected to be plastic. We are expected to be fake. Why do people hide such feelings of sadness and loneliness? Because only the fake nice people win. At least with those people we can drown out our depression with what we think happiness is.
What is the dream? I didn't have dreams when I was a kid. I was happy living where I was. In the current moment. In a world that wasn't fake. Ironically, that world was artificial and shielded from all the problems of the real world. I was naïve. So, when people grow up they push that ideal state further into their future. It's not coming. It's fake.
There are some things to appreciate in the current moment. Sure, the real world is ugly. But it's okay to be ugly. It's better than living with those plastic dreams. Why dream about things that could make you happy when you could just do things that make you happy?
But hedonism? But you're missing the point. But what does it even mean? Most of my followers are plastic. Some of them are not even real. They are bots. They'll never understand. Hell, they'll never read this. But I enjoying writing this. That's good enough.
Good shit, this should have been more upvoted but I guess all the normies are just playing the game.
Authenticity isn't worth anything anymore, attention is the game. To be fake, is to be profitable