
Honestly? The money. Obviously. I am trying to earn money to make my life better. So far I only try. But I do not give up. I live under the minimum wage, and I will use every opportunity to increase my income.

Thanks for your candour and I applaud your efforts to make your life better as many would simply stick their hand out and expect a chunk of cash to land on it, figuratively speaking of course. Taking an active role in your better-life endeavour is admirable and shows ownership and responsibility. I wish you all the best with it; I believe you will find the success you're looking for if you have the right attitude.

Just on your commenting, I have seen quite a bit of it actually but one comes to mind in particular.

It was left on a post of mine and whilst you are free to comment as you please it perplexed me.


You see, that post is a weekly initiative I do to inspire some engagement and to give people a place to open relationships and nurture them. People tend to enjoy it and so they come back week after week and I know many good relationships have been formed through the concept. I have also given away about 3500 hive in the 53 weeks I have been running it, just for commenting.

Your comment was a conundrum though as it felt negative when it could have simply been a comment in relation to the topic question of the week instead; A comment that would have got up-voted by me and possibly have gained you a hive transfer from me also, directly to your wallet. It could have been one that opened relationships also. Ultimately though, it was ignored by myself and everyone else.

I bring this up only to point out that our reality is between our ears. If we choose to see something as negative, so it will be. If we choose to shift our paradigm, to choose alternative paths, then opportunity may open up.

We all have choices in life and from what I gather you have the desire to improve your situation which, as I say above, speaks highly of you. I'm not going to make suggestions to you, I don't think you would appreciate it, however there may be something in this comment that prompts you to consider your path forward, what steps you take and that, ultimately, will determine what destination(s) you reach.

All the best with you journey xplosive.

I wrote that comment only because most posts are either ignored or overlooked on the Hive blockchain. Nowadays generally the real human comments are rare on the Hive blockchain. The average number of comments per post is 2-3, and most of those comments are bot comments.

But you are right. I should post about the question/topic of the post. Thank you for the suggestion and for any support.

Have some !PIZZA.



@galenkp! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @xplosive.

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I knew why you wrote the comment and I actually wrote a reply but chose not to post it as I figured it was irrelevant. I don't disagree with you in respect of the commenting, not one iota. However, getting on board the comment thread on posts like that #weekend-engagement topic is powerful and over time can transform what comments are left on your own posts.

If I was new today I'd go to that post and make a comment on every top-level comment left then engage in whatever comments ensued. I would then go and visit those users I'd commented on and comment on their posts, over time. As those relationships built I'd nurture them and begin the process all over again, and again with others.

It runs a flag up the pole of an account saying open for business and will help build it.

After four full years I'm still doing this and it's built my account; I know it works. Support will flow on from behaviour like this, not from negativity, and running the blockchain down...Doing that only makes a person seem small. Get involved, use my community, THE WEEKEND, if you have the right original content. There's a posting guide pinned at the top of the community too which is probably worth a read.

The first step to change is changing something and the rest will flow on from there. We can all choose the victim-ethos, just as we can all choose the ownership-ethos.