
in #thoughts3 years ago


You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction.

- George Horace Lorimer -

Today was my first day back at work and I was busy...Productive - I caught up and even did a little extra to help me have a better end to the week. I felt a little drained though, a little thick-headed. A hike was needed.

As I walked I found my shoulders drop and the tension drain away; I felt more myself and I immersed in that feeling and the natural environment. Although, thoughts crept in and, being the over-thinker I am, I found myself in deep contemplation. My thoughts were about Hive.

I've been writing here since June 2017 with an average of 1.5 posts per day and average word-count of around 800 words it's been...well, enjoyable, but also a lot of work.

I'm often asked how I'm able to come up with posts and how I find the motivation. It's quite a simple answer, I write what comes to mind, about my life in general, interests, some fiction and a few observations now and then - And, I enjoy it which is where the motivation comes from. But sometimes it's difficult, I'll be honest.

As I hiked I thought about my content, more specifically, how it is received, judged and rated by others in the community.

Sure, I get comments on my posts, respond and engage with the people making them...But do people see my content as interesting? Valid? Funny? Boring? Ridiculous? Do people gain value or do they think I provide none? I don't know, I guess probably all of the above. I know my writing doesn't appeal to everyone, and I know I, as a person, don't appeal to everyone. I'm ok with it; people will judge me no matter what.

I mean, what if I wrote a post entitled...

Standard image.png

...You'd probably judge me. But I'd not care too much at all.

I've been evaluating Hive for a week or so, thinking about its validity in my life, it's purpose and what I gain from it. The thing I have come to understand is that it means something to me and that I gain personal value by being here and that I answer to myself, not others.

You see, some may not like what they read in my posts and may perceive me in a particular way, negatively or positively, but for me...the gain is personal, as is most of my writing - Much of which the blockchain never sees. Personal to me.

I don't write here to send messages. I don't write here for egotistical reasons. I don't write here to show off. I don't write here to gather followers. I don't write here because I like sharing everything about my life and those in it. I don't write here to gain notoriety. I don't write here because I have an agenda.

I guess, what I mean is that I don't write here for you.

I write here for me, because it provides an indelible record of parts of my life, the parts I'm willing to share. I write here because it's a sounding-board. I write here because sometimes I need to pour myself out, get arms-length. I write here, sometimes in fiction, because behind that tag I can put a little extra of myself because I feel that I want to and no one will know whether it's fiction or fact. I write here because it's cathartic and helps me make sense sometimes. I write here...because I enjoy it. Because I enjoy it.

I don't mind if you hate what I do here, or me personally. I don't mind if you love it either. What I mind is that I have a place I can write and record things about myself that I can look back on and revisit at some later time. I think that's a good enough reason right?

Anyway, that's what I contemplated as I hiked today.

I love the interaction I get from some of you; it means so much to me and, in some cases, so do your words - your own posts. It's the relationships in general I guess that I value also. I'm satisfied with what Hive provides me for the moment, I'm here for the reasons above, but if those were no longer compelling enough I would not be here, that much I know.

What about you, do you ever contemplate why you're here? What makes you stay? What do you love about it? Do you mind being judged or rated and the fact people may have misperceptions about you? Let me know in the comments below. I'm curious.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The photo is my own


With almost 8 billion ppl on earth it is impossible to please everyone. Same in this ecosystem but you got it right, one should write about what pleases him. I came as a social media newbie, learned that it is like in real life. With some you click and build relationships. The people I "met" here wouldn't have crossed my path elsewhere, so that makes Hive already valuable for me. My posts, me. Read by a few, but if one asks me...I respond...muhahahahahaaaaa.

To me it matters that you are here :).

The people I "met" here wouldn't have crossed my path elsewhere

Who would have thought you'd meet a G-dog from Australia huh?

For example. Seriously Galen, I know it's still the internet, and maybe you are some kind of weird psychopath, maybe the others are, but you are one of them I would think it wouldn't be awkward if we would meet in person. You know what I mean? And then I gather you all together and ...🎶 Psycho theme playing 🎶 😄 . Lol.

maybe you are some kind of weird psychopath

Just maybe? Lol

Mayyyyyyyybeeeeeee....Have a good night G! 😊

What makes you stay?

On a very serious note, hive is more like a diary to me, a place where I sometimes write about myself, experience and stories which comes to mind when I just lay down doing nothing. Its something that I'll get to show my children's children, they'll get to know what I could do when my bones eventually gets weak to the point that I can't write or use any of this electronics so much anymore.

I'm also here to learn from others, I've learnt a lot of cooking skills since I joined hive, even though I've made a lot of mess too, I figured a lot about crypto and made a few good friends that inspire me.

Do you mind being judged or rated

It's up to anyone who wanna judge me to go ahead, his or her mind or should I say judging lips, fingers and spirit, they carry in them and I don't have any right to choose what a person likes and what a person doesn't like. I don't mind critics at all, humans would always be humans, there'll always be haters and trollers but I move. No one lives my life for me, so I'll keep doing what I love as long as I see to it that I love it and it's not illegal.

Having freedom of thought is our prerogative, our right I guess.

Yep. Absolutely 💯

Why do I stay on hive? Well first because I actually love writing, always have but in my country being a writer isn't easy or profitable for the most part so hive gives me that fulfillment.

Also, I want to look back one day and see how much I have grown and with my documentation here, it will be easy to do that instead of journals that could go missing or destroyed.

It's a good place to record one's goings on huh? And I bet after a few yours you'll look back from a different version of you with interest.

Exactly, I can't wait to read my blog in a few years or share some of my stories with my kids.

I was introduced to hive not long ago,my thought about hive when I was introduced was that what will I gain from writing,I see writing as a challenge and in most time I do not think of the benefit writing can bring to me,to others and the fact that other people writing cab serve as a lesson to me when I read.

I see you as a motivator to us young or new writers, I want you tomorrow that people see you in the community as thus,you are contributing positively to the growth of hive and the community. We learn alot when you write,whether fiction or non fiction.

Your post are always with sense ,and always with reasons and points. You never waste words.
I'm not praising you sir,but you worth more to me and I want to believe that the community is watching you.

Please don't relax,do your own,be good,be better.

Thank you

It's good to challenge yourself in writing does that, and you find value in it, then Hive is a good place for you.

Also, just so you know...You should place a space between a comma and the following word, like this...Not,like this.

All the best.

I have always appreciated your words and work; even if you write about a crunch carrot, you will no doubt find a way to be entertaining! I used to blog on another site and took so much offense if someone found something I wrote critically; it took a long time for me to get over it (and honestly, leave that type of content creation behind as it wasn't doing much for me, anyway). Writing on Hive, although it took some time to find folks, has led to much better "social media" relationships with others than any other platform I've used before. So I do like that quite a bit.

I could have used a hike yesterday, too. What a day over here, but I got through it without too much pain. Looking forward to the days of the long sun yet again, lol

If a carrot is especially crunchy one most post about it I guess. Look out for that post, or some other nutbaggery, I'll deliver it at some stage, no doubt. ☺️

You're right about Hive I think, it's a different sort of place, but has way more value than the other places...And about you being offended in that other one...Just be you, comfortable knowing you can't be anyone else. Those who connect will appreciate it and those that don't want matter.

Sorry you had a bad day...Hike it out ASAP.

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Your reasons are more than valid and, for me, the ones that count. In the first place, writing must please ourselves. Otherwise, I don't see the point of doing it.

I started writing again last year after a long time and realized that doing it exclusively for myself in the first place has been the best therapy, it doesn't matter if what I write is for others to read as may be the intention in joining a challenge. Still, even if it is just five words, the written must satisfy me first.

Being judged by others, I don't lose sleep over it. But it wasn't always like this, it's something I learned over the years, and I felt liberated when I did. We can't please everyone, and I'm totally fine with that. I'm pleased with who I am, and that is what counts. I'm friendly, but I won't lose my time or bother with the people that ignore me.

I think a confident person, confident with themselves, has no reason to fear judgement from others. I suppose that also ties in with choosing to be ones best version as often as possible...If they combine, well, other people's judgement won't mean much. It's often skewed anyway, a perception based on no real intel, rather than fact.

Absolutely, judgment is based on perception, both when we are the subject of that judgment and when we make it with others. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and try as much as possible not to judge others, but with myself, I am sometimes not so benevolent. And while at this point, I don't care how others judge me, sometimes I have to deal with judging myself.

Self-judgememt can be far worse than the judgement of others. I guess we need to remember to be humble and kind as much as possible and where relevant...With ourselves too huh? ☺️

You are absolutely right ;)

The older I get (wish I was getting wiser at the same exponential way I'm gaining wrinkles! lolol) the more precious time is to me and that I spend that time doing the things I want to do. Of course there are still things in my life that are more compulsory, like work, but for whatever reason my current work is a path that I've been on for so long there has to be a reason I couldn't "escape" it lol

My thoughts on Hive are that it gives me total freedom (within reason) to express whatever I want. I have long had a love-hate relationship with writing, but I know it is something I need to do for me to truly be me. To truly be all that I should be and to enjoy fulfilling contentment, I need to write. Every time I've abandoned writing and tried to ignore that it exists in me, I've deeply regretted it and I hope not to make that mistake again. I'm finishing up my Masters next month and I swear I will NEVER write another word because I have to, rather because it is want I desire to do.

As I walked I found my shoulders drop and the tension drain away; I felt more myself

Isn't this just the most sublime and glorious feeling!?!?! The moment I walk through the door for jiu jitsu my body literally and visibly relaxes and my tension melts away. I feel the same way when I'm in the woods and swamps and the moment I smell salt water from Mother Ocean. It is a beautiful thing, my friend!

I feel the same way about writing, it's a valuable and required part of my life and whether it ends up in hive or never sees the light or day I get the same value from doing it.

That feeling...The BJJ and hiking feeling.. Clearly you get it, know what it's all about. So many do not.

do people see my content as interesting? Valid? Funny? Boring? Ridiculous? Do people gain value or do they think I provide none?

Quality is subjective, I gotta be honest because my current 100 percent upvote policy I don't vote on you or many other big names often.

Carrots are really fuckin crunchy.

You add value by being who you are, simple. I'm just me, if I get votes. Or nadda doesn't change anything.

I hate my phone btw, adds things and subtracts with no calculator.

As for thehike, it always helps.

Quality is subjective, I gotta be honest because my current 100 percent upvote policy I don't vote on you or many other big names often.

Indeed this is true, the subjective quality thing. I don't always vote at 100% to be honest, my 100% vote is worth almoat $6 and I like to spread my votes around to many so I'm a little selective, of course, there's people that get it as they always deliver quality, and some that never do.

Fair play, hopefully one day mine will be equal 🤔 as it stands I think fully amped I got 8 cents . I have an odd way of looking at things anyway. It's not because you're good, it's exactly the opposite. It's because I might be able to help elsewhere.

Imma be 300 percent honest, aside from your fiction I read every post, my vote or opinion means shit all. You speak as you find and I respect that. You also have raised initiatives in the community for no personal gain, once again huge respect.

You my friend don't need my vote but bob might be encouraged.

So I will keep on voting as the spirit moves me.

You my friend keep on doin what you do, it's appreciated.

Me, good luck discouraging 😁

aside from your fiction I read every post, my vote or opinion means shit all. You speak as you find and I respect that. You also have raised initiatives in the community for no personal gain, once again huge respect.

I value Hive and want to give people the chance to help themselves. Thanks for saying this, I appreciate it.

I'm glad you leave a piece you on here every day. You are one of the ones I can count on. I know you will leave a snippet or two on here.

I'll judge you if you eat a carrot on the way to work. I know you will write that one day and the only ones who will laugh are the ones that read this. The others will be just faking it.

Thanks for this, your part in the blockchain, doing what you do best. Communicating and bridging the friendships. It's a great gig and you do it so well.

Thanks for your nice words Swigs and yes, one day I'll write that I ate a carrot on the way to work and it was crunchy post. Trust me.

My next post in a couple hours is...well, let's just say, typical nutbag knucklehead G-dog. Because I can. It's about a word I made up a few days ago.

Yeah, I know right? 🤪😉

Haha! I see this after I see that golden misspoken. It sounds like an old friend, you know? I feel like I have heard it before, that is what makes it so good. You want to think it is.

That was classic and no surprise! Got rave reviews! :)

I have to hit your place earlier. I get there too late!

Yeah fuckzactly, you always seem to miss the good posts I write. Well, the ones that are less baderistic as I'm not sure if any are good enough to be called good.

Yeah fuckzactly, you always seem to miss the good posts I write

I made spellcheck like this word. Now, it will never question me when I think it.

One needs to show spell check who is boss right?

Praise God! There is something I can control. :)

Oh come on, everybody loves a crunchy carrot! Hahahah. This title is pretty decent, if you would have wrote I fart a lot, what can I do about it I bet that even a post like that would get engagement🤣 Who likes you won't judge you G., you are a lovely person by default

Lol...Well then, maybe someday soon you'll see the I ate a carrot on the way to work and it was crunchy post. 😆

Oh, rot! That doesn't count at all. Throw it up and get it written! Don't make me wait, I'll miss it again!

I guess I should, I mean, who wouldn't want to hear about how crunchy that carrot was?

Now you are just teasing us....lool ...but the funny thing is that I have at work exactly 2 carrots I took today that I wanted to eat. So here is a sneak peak of my crunchy carrot post a la Galen lol. I can feel a trend coming G. if you will post a carrot article. I can already see the Hive trending feed filled with carrots😅😅😅


It's going to happen. You know it will.

Kudos on your carrots...They look...crunchy.

Hahahaha I think I was influenced in a subliminal way by your post that I felt the urge to pack carrots for lunch today hahaha.

I would judge you :)

I would say, I am saying thank you for coming here at this space everyday, rain-or-shine! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and help make our days infinitely better, Thank you for keeping this platform going because without you guys we would be lost and desolate.

Happy new year Galen!

Too kind Azir, but very appreciated. Thank you. I just keep plugging away at it with the understanding that I get value and the hope that something I write has the same for someone else. If not, well, it's on the blockchain regardless I guess so I'll have to deal with what I wrote.

Thanks for your nice words.