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RE: Facts and feelings

in #thoughts4 years ago

That humans are emotional beings seems to me to be an evolutionary necessity. Rationality and emotions are not actually contradictory. But of course I know what you mean and have the following thoughts:

Women are said to be highly emotional, and for a long time it was said that women were less able to think rationally when compared to men. I think that's nonsense, because I think it's like you say, people decide predominantly according to their feelings, less according to their rationality. I even thought of myself for most of my life as deciding predominantly according to my feelings and, because the trend was so one-sided, I was ashamed that I seemed to use my rationality too rarely. It's only since I've been doing social work that I've noticed that I often cut short my clients' long emotional introductions to try to get to the heart of the matter, the thing they came for: Paperwork, questions about financial entitlements, etc. To this end, my training has helped to calm clients' overly emotional outbursts or fixations and encourage them to make shifts in perspective to see their anger, rage or grief more clearly, or to work on not letting such feelings get the better of their decisions.

For me, it is paramount that my opinion, which is based on a worldview formed through childhood and many more years, is my choice. So even if I choose to believe something because I want to, that is often something that those who are in love with (alleged) facts do not want to accept, because it is believed that such an opinion as mine has long since been disproved in this fake-factual world. That is what I object to. For example, I have decided not to believe in pandemics because it disturbs my inner peace and I therefore prefer to keep this peace instead of wanting to be afraid of more and more threatening diseases. Be that as it may in the world of fact-finders and seekers, my inner statistician has never been a living witness to a pandemic in her life. However, if one should befall me and my immediate environment, I will change my view.

Politics, the money market and many other areas of life are about feelings such as vanity, greed, striving for power, avarice, pride, envy, arrogance or else about euphoria, utopia, palpitations, etc. - I therefore agree with you that very little of it really has to do with facts, because as a rule facts are very dry and many find reading such facts boring, unless you yourself are the specialist who produced them.

As always, I very much appreciate your gift for picking out the essence in the currents of the many utterances and articulating it so succinctly. Many thanks for that.


Right. I agree with everything. The problem, I think, is that many people are claiming that their opinions are actually facts, and want to suppress any other opinion that does not agree with theirs. This is a deeply irrational belief, which nevertheless attempts to appear rationality. But is not.

Yeah, I don't think reason is contrary to emotion either, they are probably complementary.

Thanks to you for stopping by, see ya!