One has to take breaks especially from Hive or their posts get lame, even if it's a full-time job. It can also be bad for one's mental health to sit in front of a screen for so long especially if their day job involves working in front of screens. Spending time outside, with your family or with hobbies that use a different part of your brain and body than your day job is part of a healthyl lifestlye.
Once I took a break from Hive, during that really dull 2020-2021 period of life. Zero regrets and I was able to change the direction of the blog. Posting too frequently hurts ones rewards as most people like to upvote different authors or have autovoting set so it only upvotes someone every so often like 2x per week.
Good for you to be making a positive change in your life. Keep it up and remember to limit your screen time, even if it's crunch time, your brain and your productivity will thank you and so will your eyes.