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RE: Would it be possible to download skills into your brain like in the movie Matrix?

in #thoughts6 years ago

Interesting article @oendertuerk, I would like mention the anomaly of savants which displays that human beings have abilities which our untapped so there is a lot to learn about what are brain is really capable of but what is most interesting is accidental savants, these are people who are ordinary just like us but the they were they were turned savants by accident. Some of them could remember the calendar by heart like, on which day of the week a particular date was, one guy was beaten up on the head by muggers and afterwards he could see trails of events as if reality was playing frame by frame, but slowly; which allowed him to see mathematical patterns and all sorts of cool things. The point I am trying to make is that it is somehow possible to develop a skill without the traditional way of experience, processing,repetition etc. We just need to learn more about the brain maybe we have all the abilities we can think of we just need to know how to awaken them. I watched a documentary on this and found this article also :


I had read about savants and I find it very interesting what some people have after an accident or blow to the head, all at once for skills. There was once a woman who fell at home and got a blow to the head, after that she could speak fluent french although she never had a connection to the language.

The brain is a mystery and maybe you're right, maybe we already have all the skills in our brain that are just waiting to be unlocked. :)

I think the probability that we have a few dormant abilities is high since we do use a small percentage of our entire brain.

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