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RE: 8 Months In County Jail

My time I lucked out on an Indian Reservation with a one legged sherrif, and I was all over the cell; climbed to the ceiling like a gymnast lol. That sherrif had a lot of patience and understanding as well and actually made it pleasant for us.
Glad that part of your life is over, now is the time to get down to business and build something for yourself.Wow, looks like you actually figured out how to make a rather cozy place in there @sludlung, been there and done it as well. Everyone seems to find a way to survive, worst thing one can do is start ripping people off or shooting off one's mouth, and that'll do it.


Interesting, a one legged sheriff, never heard that one before. I ended up getting a one man room at the end of my stay, and got pretty content with chilling on my bed drinking coffee, eating candy, and binge reading & writing lettere to my fanily. Once you get used to the transition from normal life to confinement, you make the best of things and creating a life you are satisfied enough with living for the period of time ahead that has to be done in the slamma jamma. I never read too many books on the outs beforehand, and didnt explore writing at all, because I was too preoccupied with video games and drugs. I very much want to become a talented writer, and I hope my skills increase at an ok level over the next few months. Thanks for commenting on my posts, and thanks for the support.

Your writing is coming out very well organized, articulated, and will indeed improve over time, but you've gotten off to a good start.

Thank you, I have a lot self-doubt at times, it's nice to see some reassurance.