Dear friends,
How are you all? I hope you all are fine and doing well. We all consider changing destiny depends on how much wealth we gathered in our entire life.
If we are able to earn enough wealth that can provide us a luxurious life, we consider it an immeasurable destiny.
But somehow, if we can't make it as we wish to make it, then we contemplate it as a bad fortune.
Often I observe while passing the road;
several lottery counters beside the road are full of people buying the tickets.
I have never bought a single lottery ticket in my entire life. I believe in karma, and the interpretation of karma to me is achieving everything with hard work, loyalty, honesty, patience, and focus.
I never believe in shortcuts. Apart from that, I didn't consider that only measurement of wealth could be the sense of doom.
In my perception, what rises faster goes down faster too. The habit of buying lottery tickets is an addiction.
Several times I saw people addicted to my gambling too. Committing suicides, performing criminal activities start from these kinds of addictions.

So try to Design your destiny with a pen filled with honesty, creativity, hard work, and moral values tusche.
1.Write your fate in such a way that people could set an example of yours.
2.Write your destiny in such a way so that while standing in front of anyone, you shouldn't feel hesitant to keep eye contact;
and that could be only possible when we will use those tusches of karma to write our destiny.
We all are going through some addictions, but we must remember to practice addicting ourselves with those things that could help us to be better humans.
That was my thought for today.
Thank you, my friends, for spending your valuable time here.
I am glad that you like my content and show you love through your support and wonderful comments.
It always provides me the courage to come here every day. Stay happy, healthy, and blessed. I wish you all a great Weekend.