I haven't written anything for awhile, because I don't think anyone actually reads or comments on the things I write, just click a button and auto-gain. Because that's the world we live in.
But, for those who do actually read what I write, this post comes with a forewarning:
There is alot of outward malice, purely from observation, frustration and just feeling "over it".
So, if you're easily offended or otherwise passively minded, preserve your neurons and don't read on.
Although, unless you comment on this article, I'm genuinely not going to know your feelings.
I'm simply sparing you a possible disheartenment. That said, I shall continue my previous thought. Bare in mind, it's a bit of a cynical rant, so brace yourselves.
There are times where I think that our race is a bit self entitled and stupid.
We kill each other over cognitive differences, we enable financial imbalances to "aid a need", while the aid we're assisting is not in any way being bolstered by our contribution in a positive way, or doing anything to enable or encourage a balanced and harmonious environment, endorse individuality or induce a happy existence, only buffering its negative continuation, and now, as millions are being told this outcome in which we're currently in is "the new way of life", while scolding those who resist and wish to concentrate on a more positive energy and mind frame, an element of severe concavement is occurring, yet minimal see this as a serious issue. And it's starting to give me the shits. I fail to understand how so many can be so blind.
I get cranky, then I stop. Because I realise that, as much as people want to enlist "kindness, love and warmth", "a stress free demeanour and mentality", I can see that few people are like me and that the opposite is apparent, as it's much easier to acknowledge that nobody actually gives a fuck about you unless they're disadvantaged or lacking because of you, and you're not providing what they need, or conducting yourself in a way that isn't passive, submissive and willing to smile and nod as you give your soul away with no objective or fight, than it is to assert your individuality. You must be an agreeable follower at all times, without fight or want for differences, "Because that's what everyone else is doing.", and I find this concept really detrimental to mental health. Each of us are made to serve the planet in a unique way, but it seems that only a small portions of those criteria are encouraged, acknowledged and celebrated to full capacity.
I don't like thinking that life is difficult, I don't think I'm better than anybody else (as much as there are some people in my life, past and present, which have cited such things when our veiws differ), but I do feel that we are entitled to a good quality of life and some criterion of civilisations require more assistance than others, although unfortunately those cliques usually have to fight hard to have, maintain and keep those basic needs, as there are some self entitled fucks that aim to relinquish those human rights, out of elements of superiority, control or just because they "believe different things", and you're expected to just shut up and deal with it.
I try so hard to be a positive and optimistic person, and I know it probably reads like I'm having a whinge, but I'm buckling and starting to go the other way. Which, as few have seen, is not ideal.
I've always maintained a believe of staying true to who I am, as it's a constant battle of giving everything away and fighting to keep it, but I like who I am, even though MANY have judged me.
Because I'm a woman. Because I have disabilities, but don't fit certain brackets, because I'm smart.
You name it, I've been criticised for it. I even get criticised for the shit I don't do!! It's a wild ride being ne, that's for sure. This is not me playing the violin. This is me making the violin firewood because I'm sick of the "melody of a dying cat" adage.
But what they don't see, is just like the phoenix, there is wonderful things to be made from disaster. The outcome is all in your outlook.
Rant Over

That's right, not everyone seems to be willing to acknowledge that each of us are made to serve the planet in an unique way. Each in their own way and understanding of things.
Nor are they either willing to encourage and celebrate those who act within their uniqueness. Those who act within their uniqueness trying to make this world a better world for everyone without being judged beforehand by those who blindly follow the rules established by those on top who believe they have the elements of superiority and control over others.
Nowadays there is no such thing as the "majority" is the one being right. There is too much information and misinformation and blind ignorance everywhere as to dare to judge, blame and punish someone supposedly for having been wrong in their way of thinking and seeing things as they see it. And they are usually torpedoed in their attempts to try to communicate and do things differently if these beliefs and actions clash with those of the crowd. ¡The crowd! tsk tsk.
The outlook. Their outlook. Our outlook. Yeah, that's why I write "Tales With A Moral" with some frequency. To try to make people think and reflect more often on what's going on around them.
Because indeed: "The way you speak to yourself matters" :)
I'm so glad you commented on this, I really value your thoughts and opinions on things and I really appreciate that you had read my article enough to proffer a reflection on it, as opposed to "just liking it". It means alot and makes me smile :)
Yes dear. A well thought provoking post evidently deserves a well thought provoking comment too. Because that is indeed the greatest and best reward that we the authors hope when we have put true effort, time and acumen in trying to make people think and reflect on what we write and express.
The "just liking it" begins to look like a pervasive and pernicious pandemic like that other one that is fluttering around. It seems that fewer and fewer people are willing to also give us the gift of making us think and reflect in retribution for our gifts. But maybe it's just because as they are unable to smile due to a lack of sense of humor, they don't like us to smile either. And as you know, I am not one of them. I want you to smile! :)