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RE: Who Am I

in #thl8 years ago

I really enjoyed your story. I love how you were able to donate so much food to the needy. Good for you! So sorry to hear about Cali. It never is easy to lose a beloved pet. KittyKate is adorable. How is Lee doing? Did you find the snake and groundhogs?


We do grow a lot of food up here and as more grows each year we have to do something with it. Please stop by and pick some things for yourself. Do a little weeding while you're at it!

KK is a great Kitty. She must be 5 now and still looks just like that first day we picked her up from the rescue shelter. We had been having rodent problems, (mouse droppings in the kitchen drawers and so on in the house) but when the electricians found mice living in the meter box and the car repair people found a nest in the car motor and some eaten brake wires we had to do something.

She comes in the house now to eat and during the winter this year she spent a lot of time in the house. When Cali was dying she always went right to her when she came in and cuddled. She even sat on my shoulder for a few minutes after Cali was gone as if to console me. This is a very skittish cat who darts around is not a lap cat.

No groundhogs seen again or caught yet.
And no sign of the snake!

KK has earned her keep and had fun doing it at the same time. Aw...cuddling with Cali. Animals do sense when it is time. If you would like to, go read my story about my cat Pachino. He did the same thing when my other cat JB passed away. And Pachino knows when I am in pain and tries to console me. Happy to hear that the snake and groundhogs have not come back. I bet Lee is happy about that too. :)

Yes, I have read it. Good story. Didn't I upvote it? Maybe I read it at a time when my POWER was down to zero.

Oh Lee. When I went out just now to close up the coop for the night I couldn't find her anywhere...My heart just sank but I went into her run and called her. She was scrunched down under the ramp that goes up to the coop where she lays her eggs but way under...Hiding.
She does not like the coop.