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RE: Who Am I

in #thl8 years ago

My aunt lives near you then...St. Cloud. The traffic has picked up quite a bit since Disney started there she notices.

It is cold and rainy here the last few days. I never remember it being cold enough at this time of year to have to put on socks and a jacket. Unusual weather all year with temperature variations.

Next week my 7 year old grandson will be with us so I will be spending a lot of time with him.
You will be with me in spirit though.


Thanks so much for your reply and the cute chick photo, so cute! Tell Lee hello and to hang in there. I have a broody hen that I had to separate from the others, she just pines away wanting to be a mother, 3rd time so far. Poor thing! I was out this evening wandering with the girls looking for treasures. Maybe next year I will have chicks if time and my energy holds up. Haha! So nice that your grandson is coming to see you, let me know how your visit goes after things settle down.🐓

He will go to bed before I do, although he does get very chatty at bedtime to avoid it, but I should have some steemit time then. He is used to watching videos at bedtime at home and we don't do tv here so he misses the cue for bedtime.

Roosters, in my experience, can be pretty aggressive.

Last year when Silas came, (and named Lee and her sisters Brightly and Victoria) he was afraid, with good reason, to go outside because Mr. O! came after us.
I used to have to arm myself with a hankie to wave him off because he lunged at me whenever I went outside. He was very protective though. He once stood down a fox not 5 feet from the house so the three hens could get to the coop. I cannot imagine what happened to him when he "disappeared." What was big and brave enough to take him away?