For all the new people not knowing where/why this started here is a brief explanation from a Haejin's follower perspective. The post is rather meant to warn his new followers but should still give you an idea.
Agreed! This is the best battle I use when taking about the site. It's an ongoing soap opera! I'm eating popcorn as we speak! Also, I'm still not sure what my thoughts are on it. I see from both angles and can safely say, "only on steemit!" Boom!!
Upvoted with the hope that @ned will see this one, it is really good. PS: all the credits go to @son-of-satire, if you want to upvote it, you can go to his post I have linked in the previous comment.
speaking of which, payouts are done and the most significant, risky and informative post I have ever made was nearly completely ignored by steemit for no stated reason, but im still going to post it here because everyone needs to know and be looking for the next parts of my series so I don't have to explain everything in the world at risk to myself for no reward whatsoever, again:
Where can you see that they generated this traffic @ned? They're top trending and we have thousand of people on this site. The view count just seems logical to me. Everybody clicked on this middle finger today just to know what it was about.
Honestly I hope people don't find Steemit that way... Love popcorn, too, but..
It doesn't matter who is winning & who is losing. For us ( minnow ) you both are same because it seems like none of you care about us. Have you ever looked at any minnow post & commented on his/her post. Winner are those people who wins hearts & not a fight.
Your fucking country is divided and you want to tell something about you are the one hiting some guy?
Maybe thats why you are a nice slave over there...
And believe every shit you get told.
The only thing you can do is draw random arrows! And cry.
Sometimes in your comments i can feel your naivety.
No. He can't. We must figure this out together as a community... @ned has no immediate power in this other than his through his upvote or downvote. However, since he wrote the whitepaper, I imagine he would rather sit back and see if his theories play out. So far, it has come pretty close to what was written though I would have imagined more whales would have joined by now. Maybe one day he will let us know his thoughts on this.
You are a really fun guy to party with aren't you?
Are you as good looking in person?
Kidding, and doubting you'll actually read this
It's strange but I used to get upset with what this type of thing made steemit look like to the public, but recently I have to disappoint my passionately moral friends, because it doesn't matter what it looks like if it generates interest, does it? Oh and, I just realized I don't think I ever cared what was on trending- I post chapters from my books and I'm killing it! How fucking awesome is that? Doing what I love and the money comes in? So thank you, even if you never read this lol, seriously thank you Ned, this is the best thing to happen to earth since electricity.
Well, it not entirely funny, as this diminishes the credibility of the platform. Potential Steem investors at the sidelines may wonder, where this will lead to. I am a relative newbie, but isn´t this a concern for the future success of Steem, as steemit is the no. 1 usage tool for Steem? Without the dynamics of Steem price getting higher, Steemit usage will not flourish as it could and should be.
Like all technology you can use it for "good" or for "bad" and if you abuse your power, you should be ready to face the consequences. Since I don't know what's going on here, I would like some clarification of this "situation".
It will only be a matter of time before someone richer comes along and silences them both..
In the interests of preserving the platform.
Just a matter of time.
It's true, but people fighting would be far less concerning to me as an investor than why they are fighting. Fighting is just a normal part of social media. If people were too happy and getting along about everything it would signal to me that no one was actually engaged in the platform, and that would be bad long term news. The real issue as an investor is whether or not your investment is going to immediately get devalued from someone draining the pot, and that is most certainly going on.
I don't know either of these high-rollers but I'm dying to find out what the back story is behind their beef... Someone needs to post a summary of what went down.
Welcome to Steemit. You don't have to like it. You don't have to even pick sides. We are trying to make it better for more people to get rewarded here. One person is getting lots of money from posting the same things over & over all day long.
He doesn't comment back to his followers. He just collects his money & post more things to collect more money from upvotes from his followers. Basically they are giving him their money for nothing in return.
No, I was just curious. If it is allowed, and people are doing it, what is the problem?
Very few people I have encountered on Steemit have been here for anything other than the money.
If you are here to get paid, why not get as much as you can, as fast as you can?
Seems like the only ones who are but-hurt about this are the ones who didn't take advantage of the same plan. At least, that is how it seems to me. If I am wrong, please explain how and why.
I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what the back story is. Why are these high rollers at each others throats? I bet there's a girl involved. Or they turn out to be long lost brothers and who's going to go nuclear first?
what is this all about?..I just get approval to steemit last night..and found out this morning this post on trending??
why post like this gain so much profit..seriously I still don't understand how everything work..but I guess whoever posting this must be someone famous in steemit world that why even post like this getting so much attention.
Good Business model they have. Earning your ass off by posting pictures like that... I don't even believe the hate behind it is real. Probably both of them are the same person.
Some might say, this site needs some color, character, drama, passion, intrigue, excitement. Personally I'm kinda tired of all the bible quotes, motivational quotes, food pics, press releases and bot traffic. People are messy and emotional and this platform needs more People than Bots.
Hallo .... Introduce me @putrasp newcomer in steemit, honestly I'm glad to see you all that's great in steemit, and I really hope to be like you guys. Thank you best regards.
Looks like he's ignoring everyone. He ignores us by keep posting a lot of posts daily and try to make money as much as he can. He also ignores his followers and never answer their questions altough they upvoted him and he make a lot of money from them. No respect at all to the community. All he cares is only money.
Their followers do not realize that he make them a pump army. He and his whale friends pick random coins (in many cases shit coins), buy them, then make simple KABOOM posts that similar from one post to another post with his a,b,c,d,e pattern. His followers start to buy the coins, then the price rise and he become a hero. Then he and his whale friends dump the coin, left his followers with great losses and then start looking for new coins. Then repeat and repeat again everyday.
In one of his post, he said he need visibility. I think that's why he work together with ranchorelaxo to upvote his post and make his post visible on trending page. So by doing this, he gets a lot of money from his own upvote, from his followers upvote, and from his pump and dump activities.
I wonder, if he is so good, with hundreds of KABOOM posts, and if his TA are correct, he should be very very rich right now and no need to rape the pool reward everyday to make 'tiny' money. If he is still doing this, it means his TA do not work well, so why should his followers praise him and follow his advice ?
note : I am not haejin's hater or bernie's fans (in fact I don't like bernie's rudeness..... sorry bernie) . Hope this comment will not trouble me :)
Well, for the most part, his followers think he's great because he got them in a period where everything always went up. I think he does have the power to make price changes with his posts for his benefit as well, but his followers might not lose out too much from his dump because the market is probably lifting that coin up anyways. It is definitely a pnd though. He doesn't seem to pick coins with big market caps often. It's always small ones that are easily influenced. Wonder why?
I'm still kind of new to steam, but I'm starting to realize a lot of people don't upvote for quality content but to get a good curation reward. That's the case of people upvoting haejin, they want curation rewards, they could care less about the content.
Exactly what you said. But sometimes non sense post becomes viral. So what is the buttom line here? What is more important, the number of upvotes or the value of post?
I think that's just how society is in general (especially here in the US). People can work hard and be passionate about something and get ignored. Make/say something dumb or triggering = all the attention in the world
Its so sad, somebody that somebodhad spent three hours writing a post then get few votes then the other steemian just posted an image has garnered number of votes and comments. What can we do, thats the law of life. ALWAYS HIT THE NAIL.
True aiy @berniesanders! I spent a good 3 hours writing up my post below and @haejin, just comes about with a few lines of text and takes it like belladona. Hahaha. Keep it up bernie!
The mind blowing part of it all is that people are still upvoting the heck out of the Elliot Wave Theory stuff that says cryptos are going up but the market has been bleeding out for almost a month. I just dont understand what the value is in market analysis that predicts upward patterns when the market is doing the opposite of the prediction.
In all honesty I think its great that anyone uses Steemit even if it is to have a war of words and upvotes (downvotes).
I will continue to watch the epic drama unfold. Carry on @berniesanders.
Haejin Lee (Yes, that is the full name) is a media channel front for Crypto Currency Trends, a micromanging crypro day trading site, owned my Daniel Grant, who I suspect (though I do not have enough evidence) is a Binary Option Trader from the USA.
Suspiciously, the speaker in Haejin Lee's first youtube video has an American accent, but in later videos has developed an Asian accent. Also, when taking about successful investing, they sometines refer to "We" rather than "I". Haejin Lee's 36,000 Youtube followers are directed to the @haejin Steemit site for "Live updates" from the videos.
@haejin's profile picture is of actor Seo In Guk, taken from a poster for the TV series The King's Face. Here is a link to the poster:
Also, if you follow searches for Haejin Lee across all media channels, you will quickly realise that no one person could possibly produce this volume of articles, videos , and podcast consistently every day.
not a personis a businessLet me summarise this for anyone who has yet to catch up: @haejin is , @haejin. The business is running @haejin as a very efficient marketing stream and fleecing us all for as much Steem as they can rake in.
You have all been had.
It took me only an hour of searching the internet to turn up this information. Tip for the future: Do your homework.
I think you mean 'They use the steem chain and mechanism exactly as it is supposed to work?' Certainly that is one point of view, but others seem to think Steemit also has something to do with quality content creation.
The main point in @berniesanders argument (once you clear all the profanity out the way) appears to be that one account has found a way to take a larger share of the pool. Now, you could call that unfair or you could tell everyone else to compete better - either way, the solution lies in the design of the mechanism/platform rather than attacking one individual account.
My point, is that @haejin is not an individual, but a corporation, so attacking it like it cares or is going to respond is a waste of time and effort - the employees will just follow the business plan regardless. That should have been obvious to anyone prepared to do a little research rather than just rant and rave. If you want to take on @haejin, you have to take it on as a corporation not an individual.
Now imagine what Steemit will look like when many corporations have purchased themselves whale status. Good for Steem maybe, but not so good for Steemit.
That is still the way steem is made, means it is as intended.
That this is totally unfair distribution of wealth from down to top is true even without big corporations.
Steem is a pure capitalistic system, nothing more, nothing less.
I wonder how much this post will make for posting a picture and flaming someone. While I think @haejin makes a lot for posting technical analysis work on various Cryptos, almost seems like you make just as much trying to flame him... makes ya wonder who is the worse of two evils. I say... Live and Let Live.
@haejin's technical analysis is shit. Tub Cat read a post today that analysed 2 days of @haejin's picks. Only 1 of the 20 actually did something vaguely similar to he said it would.
@haejin is a fraud and is simply raping the reward pool.
Tub Cat does not like @haejin. Just as much as Tub Cat hates dogs.
Well, seems like you have made over $500 on this post so far... that is almost $2000 USD for your post... not a bad payday for yourself too and you haven't spent a dime yet from what I see.
Check the wallet, I don't see anything getting paid for votes, mind you those are paid bots, so maybe Bernie has good connections with them to get freebies or paid elsewhere off Steemit exchange.
I really could care less about the Bernie vs. Haejin Bitch Slap Comedy Show, but I saw this post and thought... how does someone get paid so much (now over $861) for posting a FukU finger to someone else, and this poster has a negative reputation score.
How does the Steemit Algorithm even allow such payouts, this is just wrong and should be a major cause for concern for everyone on Steemit. There are just way too many bad posts getting paid way too much.
Another bot: He sent it by bittrex. He technically did pay but not main account. You got a 33.43% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of@bittrex! Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to supp....
This post has received a 46.76 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to@bittrex
Sad thing is, here we are upvoting this and commenting on it... It's like many on Steemit like rewarding bad behavior... in a way, I guess I am guilty of supporting this bad behavior by even making comments here, and not even getting paid for it.
Another bot: He sent it by bittrex. He technically did pay but not main account. You got a 33.43% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of@bittrex! Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to supp....
This post has received a 46.76 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to:@bittrex
who is the man of picture...?
Bernie, bernie, bernie. It's bernie!
For all the new people not knowing where/why this started here is a brief explanation from a Haejin's follower perspective. The post is rather meant to warn his new followers but should still give you an idea.
Believe it or not ...he is now asking his followers to mute everyone who disagrees with him and started asking for upvotes on steemit again.
Divide y reinarás. Machiavelo
What is going on? Lol
I’m only on steemit for the Bernie-hajin circus. Popcorn worthy stuff.
This is a validating comment. From my perspective, it’s incredible how much web traffic these two generate.
It's quite novel watching two internet millionaires duke it out so publicly while reading comments from both camps.
Agreed! This is the best battle I use when taking about the site. It's an ongoing soap opera! I'm eating popcorn as we speak! Also, I'm still not sure what my thoughts are on it. I see from both angles and can safely say, "only on steemit!" Boom!!
this one:Really? Hey @ned, I wanted to ask you, have you seen
Upvoted with the hope that @ned will see this one, it is really good. PS: all the credits go to @son-of-satire, if you want to upvote it, you can go to his post I have linked in the previous comment.
Yea man that was awesome!!!
this is great :)
hahaha perfect! lol I need comments like this lol
my history teacher did a class on that topic. I slept all the way through it..something about an extinct dinosaur.
what about bacefook?
i love it, this is hilarious:
speaking of which, payouts are done and the most significant, risky and informative post I have ever made was nearly completely ignored by steemit for no stated reason, but im still going to post it here because everyone needs to know and be looking for the next parts of my series so I don't have to explain everything in the world at risk to myself for no reward whatsoever, again:
Where can you see that they generated this traffic @ned? They're top trending and we have thousand of people on this site. The view count just seems logical to me. Everybody clicked on this middle finger today just to know what it was about.
Honestly I hope people don't find Steemit that way... Love popcorn, too, but..
Its like never ending fight.
Guess who's the one with the red pants? BS!
hahaha lol
I'm the one in the black shirt.
It doesn't matter who is winning & who is losing. For us ( minnow ) you both are same because it seems like none of you care about us. Have you ever looked at any minnow post & commented on his/her post. Winner are those people who wins hearts & not a fight.
correct me if I am wrong
Hi @swpnl7, poor minnows need Steem Power and rich whales should take care of them.
yeah just write good post and not hate speech no one care about that
woo you too tough, good luck man
ya it looks like you are the one in the black one hahahahah thats how it looks
Your fucking country is divided and you want to tell something about you are the one hiting some guy?
Maybe thats why you are a nice slave over there...
And believe every shit you get told.
The only thing you can do is draw random arrows! And cry.
Sometimes in your comments i can feel your naivety.
@ned can you please tell who is right and who is wrong in between them to clear all steemians
This wacky dude in the Captin Philip movie
I laughed too hard at this!
i'm no more Zuckerberg, i am Ned now.
lmaooooooo funny
What's disturbing is the racist cartoons and comments towards us Koreans, go unmoderated.
Who ever told something about koreans? You are just here to reveal your true mind. "I am the victim. Help me. cry cry..."
Thats all you can do.
‘toward us koreans’? Don’t ever try mention about ‘korean’ things on your own business.
Feel free to moderate using your voting power rather than upvoting your own comments to $75.
Or, maybe you could try engaging with your community rather than posting, collecting and just saying "fuck you" to everyone else.
I totally agree with what your saying here :)
Spamming poop cartoons is equally childish.
If their are no real comments anymore, then his posts are worth even less.
Posts with comments > Post without comments
Think it worth it , don't you think so?
I know it is crazy that they get all of that traffic.
If only my post could get a piece of this action, instant whale LOL.
You are a really fun guy to party with aren't you?
Are you as good looking in person?
Kidding, and doubting you'll actually read this
It's strange but I used to get upset with what this type of thing made steemit look like to the public, but recently I have to disappoint my passionately moral friends, because it doesn't matter what it looks like if it generates interest, does it? Oh and, I just realized I don't think I ever cared what was on trending- I post chapters from my books and I'm killing it! How fucking awesome is that? Doing what I love and the money comes in? So thank you, even if you never read this lol, seriously thank you Ned, this is the best thing to happen to earth since electricity.
Flag wars got me into Steemit, and they keep bringing me back.
Can someone recap the situation, what are they "fighting" about?
Well, it not entirely funny, as this diminishes the credibility of the platform. Potential Steem investors at the sidelines may wonder, where this will lead to. I am a relative newbie, but isn´t this a concern for the future success of Steem, as steemit is the no. 1 usage tool for Steem? Without the dynamics of Steem price getting higher, Steemit usage will not flourish as it could and should be.
wowwww sugooii
what a harmony life, they are not scared of human......
so funny
Very well portrayed!!! (Y)
minigunner as in UT?
Wow..please follow me.. thanks
Don't spam!
so follow me..
WTF @hz911?
Don't spam! @steemcleaners
Like all technology you can use it for "good" or for "bad" and if you abuse your power, you should be ready to face the consequences. Since I don't know what's going on here, I would like some clarification of this "situation".
It will only be a matter of time before someone richer comes along and silences them both..
In the interests of preserving the platform.
Just a matter of time.
Unfortunately for now, this is a money game and an influence game.
I don't see there ever being a real "winner."
It's true, but people fighting would be far less concerning to me as an investor than why they are fighting. Fighting is just a normal part of social media. If people were too happy and getting along about everything it would signal to me that no one was actually engaged in the platform, and that would be bad long term news. The real issue as an investor is whether or not your investment is going to immediately get devalued from someone draining the pot, and that is most certainly going on.
Both are good guys i like both just not sure what is the reason behind this
I don't know either of these high-rollers but I'm dying to find out what the back story is behind their beef... Someone needs to post a summary of what went down.
Omg no one dare to write any thing about them we are scare of flag from either side both are powerfull guys
Really makes the place feel alive.
It was the first stuff I seen trending when I joined. I was laughing so hard.
I just joined 1 minute ago. I don't know what's going on and I'm not sure if I like it.
Welcome to Steemit. You don't have to like it. You don't have to even pick sides. We are trying to make it better for more people to get rewarded here. One person is getting lots of money from posting the same things over & over all day long.
He doesn't comment back to his followers. He just collects his money & post more things to collect more money from upvotes from his followers. Basically they are giving him their money for nothing in return.
Can anybody do that?
You want to become a Reward Pool Rapist like Haejin?
No, I was just curious. If it is allowed, and people are doing it, what is the problem?
Very few people I have encountered on Steemit have been here for anything other than the money.
If you are here to get paid, why not get as much as you can, as fast as you can?
Seems like the only ones who are but-hurt about this are the ones who didn't take advantage of the same plan. At least, that is how it seems to me. If I am wrong, please explain how and why.
That moment when a comment has more upvotes than all your quality posts together... (cries in corner) hahha
Yeah daily entertainment...never ending!
Soooo true!!
Yes Man Thats Right !!!!!
Upvot the post :D
It seems like I should flag this comment ... (lol) ... "Flag Wars"? - sound great ...
I came to steemit to save my soul from being damned by the Blockchain.
Popcorn worthy stuff???? this post now is Popcorn worthy stuff ? #lol
I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what the back story is. Why are these high rollers at each others throats? I bet there's a girl involved. Or they turn out to be long lost brothers and who's going to go nuclear first?
lol , this mind is sick. doctors needed ... #bullshit
sick shit... u are sick AF!
I am guessing that this is gonna be one of the legendary events in steemit history.
what is this all about?..I just get approval to steemit last night..and found out this morning this post on trending??
why post like this gain so much profit..seriously I still don't understand how everything work..but I guess whoever posting this must be someone famous in steemit world that why even post like this getting so much attention.
yo bro
I am new to Steemit, will one of you kind fellows please explain this beef to me so I can be in the know lol.
Good Business model they have. Earning your ass off by posting pictures like that... I don't even believe the hate behind it is real. Probably both of them are the same person.
You all should learn what sarcasm is...
This Haejin guy nuts
Havent you two got anything better to do than bitch at each other?
Guys, I understand it's funny and all, but all of this shit damaging the platform... Is there any way to stop it?
yes there is a way to seize him in the bid.
It does make me worry about the stability of the platform.
No way to stop it ... we should just dust-off and nuke the site from orbit ... only way to be sure.
Yes flag every post to 0 of this haejin.
But you all only look. why you dont take your right to vote serious.
Its not a upvote only site.
How is this "damaging"?
Some might say, this site needs some color, character, drama, passion, intrigue, excitement. Personally I'm kinda tired of all the bible quotes, motivational quotes, food pics, press releases and bot traffic. People are messy and emotional and this platform needs more People than Bots.
hahaha jokers
just making money you comment this :P
Baby Let's Dance
Lets! 🤣😎🤩🤩💃🏽💃🏼💃🏽
Is there actually a civil war on steemit....?
Nice post
Is he a real person, a warrior from a karate movie, John McAffe or a bot?
The overdose of charts is unbearable.
Technical support: make update 2018 to @haejin please!
Hallo .... Introduce me @putrasp newcomer in steemit, honestly I'm glad to see you all that's great in steemit, and I really hope to be like you guys. Thank you best regards.
love this!
wow haha
Thanks, I needed that after a shitty Monday.
Thank you for the upvote! Good karma to you my friend.
Looks like he's ignoring everyone. He ignores us by keep posting a lot of posts daily and try to make money as much as he can. He also ignores his followers and never answer their questions altough they upvoted him and he make a lot of money from them. No respect at all to the community. All he cares is only money.
Their followers do not realize that he make them a pump army. He and his whale friends pick random coins (in many cases shit coins), buy them, then make simple KABOOM posts that similar from one post to another post with his a,b,c,d,e pattern. His followers start to buy the coins, then the price rise and he become a hero. Then he and his whale friends dump the coin, left his followers with great losses and then start looking for new coins. Then repeat and repeat again everyday.
In one of his post, he said he need visibility. I think that's why he work together with ranchorelaxo to upvote his post and make his post visible on trending page. So by doing this, he gets a lot of money from his own upvote, from his followers upvote, and from his pump and dump activities.
I wonder, if he is so good, with hundreds of KABOOM posts, and if his TA are correct, he should be very very rich right now and no need to rape the pool reward everyday to make 'tiny' money. If he is still doing this, it means his TA do not work well, so why should his followers praise him and follow his advice ?
note : I am not haejin's hater or bernie's fans (in fact I don't like bernie's rudeness..... sorry bernie) . Hope this comment will not trouble me :)
Well, for the most part, his followers think he's great because he got them in a period where everything always went up. I think he does have the power to make price changes with his posts for his benefit as well, but his followers might not lose out too much from his dump because the market is probably lifting that coin up anyways. It is definitely a pnd though. He doesn't seem to pick coins with big market caps often. It's always small ones that are easily influenced. Wonder why?
good summary of both Haejin and Bernie..
I'm still kind of new to steam, but I'm starting to realize a lot of people don't upvote for quality content but to get a good curation reward. That's the case of people upvoting haejin, they want curation rewards, they could care less about the content.
Exactly what you said. But sometimes non sense post becomes viral. So what is the buttom line here? What is more important, the number of upvotes or the value of post?
I think that's just how society is in general (especially here in the US). People can work hard and be passionate about something and get ignored. Make/say something dumb or triggering = all the attention in the world
Its so sad, somebody that somebodhad spent three hours writing a post then get few votes then the other steemian just posted an image has garnered number of votes and comments. What can we do, thats the law of life. ALWAYS HIT THE NAIL.
Nonsense I upvote at least 60% curation 40% content. I take offence. :)
chicken coop every time we visit the trending & hot pages on steemit. }:)Hahaha yeah @penderis!, the offense of having to build a
Yep this so true. Dunno if the devs care how to design incentives for quality content though.
lol haha for real
holy mary!
I second that for realz!
The tags though.....
Lol, this stands for ''fuck you'' right?
It never changes. Same old same old
Looks that way
At least you give back to your supporters!!! Watchout for those posers like Puddgriffin who come here trying to get your money.

True aiy @berniesanders! I spent a good 3 hours writing up my post below and @haejin, just comes about with a few lines of text and takes it like belladona. Hahaha. Keep it up bernie!
Woah! What a big finger that is
All the better to F*ck you with little red riding hood.
hahahahaha this is incredible..
To be serious at first I didn't know why you where doing what you do but now I am seeing the glory of it
Please trade the reward SBD for STEEM before burning it.
lol what is this shit?
everybody knows what it is
hahahahah lol
it's steemit "infowar" channel.fact: I search @berniesanders to see wtf is going on with this platform..
fact: I don't need to search @heijin because it's on the trending.. trending... trending.. each post $300?
Both or facts. Ok I'm done.. back to my shitty blog that makes $5 bucks a day.
Lol, imagine haejin going to the tranding page and seeing this giant finger.
Go on bernie let him flag it i got you mate.
He is an asshole i upvoted you i would like to see you on the good rep.
The mind blowing part of it all is that people are still upvoting the heck out of the Elliot Wave Theory stuff that says cryptos are going up but the market has been bleeding out for almost a month. I just dont understand what the value is in market analysis that predicts upward patterns when the market is doing the opposite of the prediction.
In all honesty I think its great that anyone uses Steemit even if it is to have a war of words and upvotes (downvotes).
I will continue to watch the epic drama unfold. Carry on @berniesanders.
The Last Sage
You just raped close to $900 from the reward poorly for this post ? When there’s deserving content out there that doesn’t even get awarness
Well, he said he will burn the rewards. He may hope also that @haejin will flag this to 0 and waste his VP this way...
Welcome to steem,...
wow!!! i love your post. so funny. Am musicloud, am new on steemit. Thanks hey i just want to ask have you seen this?

Maybe Haejin can help me figure out why my $5000 of biiiiiiiitconnect is only worth $150 now. Let me guess, this is just a healthy correction?
lol did he ever promote bitconnect?
Isn't @haejin also Trevon James ???? I always thought they were the same guy
I think you are forgetting one thing
Not sure if this is a serious question .
haha... your wild. lol!
You are all being played! Especially you @berniesanders
Haejin Lee (Yes, that is the full name) is a media channel front for Crypto Currency Trends, a micromanging crypro day trading site, owned my Daniel Grant, who I suspect (though I do not have enough evidence) is a Binary Option Trader from the USA.
Suspiciously, the speaker in Haejin Lee's first youtube video has an American accent, but in later videos has developed an Asian accent. Also, when taking about successful investing, they sometines refer to "We" rather than "I". Haejin Lee's 36,000 Youtube followers are directed to the @haejin Steemit site for "Live updates" from the videos.
@haejin's profile picture is of actor Seo In Guk, taken from a poster for the TV series The King's Face. Here is a link to the poster:
Also, if you follow searches for Haejin Lee across all media channels, you will quickly realise that no one person could possibly produce this volume of articles, videos , and podcast consistently every day.
not a personis a businessLet me summarise this for anyone who has yet to catch up: @haejin is , @haejin . The business is running @haejin as a very efficient marketing stream and fleecing us all for as much Steem as they can rake in.
You have all been had.
It took me only an hour of searching the internet to turn up this information. Tip for the future: Do your homework.
hey look its Trevon james
Plot twist: the drama between @berniesanders and @haejin is just a clever marketing ploy
Yeah, I had considered that, very clever. But @berniesanders joined a long time before @haejin.
And your point is?
That he uses the steem chain and mechanism exactly as it is supposed to work?
I think you mean 'They use the steem chain and mechanism exactly as it is supposed to work?' Certainly that is one point of view, but others seem to think Steemit also has something to do with quality content creation.
The main point in @berniesanders argument (once you clear all the profanity out the way) appears to be that one account has found a way to take a larger share of the pool. Now, you could call that unfair or you could tell everyone else to compete better - either way, the solution lies in the design of the mechanism/platform rather than attacking one individual account.
My point, is that @haejin is not an individual, but a corporation, so attacking it like it cares or is going to respond is a waste of time and effort - the employees will just follow the business plan regardless. That should have been obvious to anyone prepared to do a little research rather than just rant and rave. If you want to take on @haejin, you have to take it on as a corporation not an individual.
Now imagine what Steemit will look like when many corporations have purchased themselves whale status. Good for Steem maybe, but not so good for Steemit.
That is still the way steem is made, means it is as intended.
That this is totally unfair distribution of wealth from down to top is true even without big corporations.
Steem is a pure capitalistic system, nothing more, nothing less.
So dope. Good work.
What does profit mean? After you pay yourself a salary, determined by you? Peace out Bernie. Or something deeper? Seriously, just curious.

Resteemed and Upvoted.
follow me i upvoted you and followed you
me too :)
funny, how could you get so much vote for this? lucky you
I'm enjoying this and upvoting Bernie.
I wonder how much this post will make for posting a picture and flaming someone. While I think @haejin makes a lot for posting technical analysis work on various Cryptos, almost seems like you make just as much trying to flame him... makes ya wonder who is the worse of two evils. I say... Live and Let Live.
@haejin's technical analysis is shit. Tub Cat read a post today that analysed 2 days of @haejin's picks. Only 1 of the 20 actually did something vaguely similar to he said it would.
@haejin is a fraud and is simply raping the reward pool.
Tub Cat does not like @haejin. Just as much as Tub Cat hates dogs.
I also spend a lot of money on the votes, not nearly the same.
Capital Out vs. Capital In.
Makes all the difference.
Well, seems like you have made over $500 on this post so far... that is almost $2000 USD for your post... not a bad payday for yourself too and you haven't spent a dime yet from what I see.
I guess you missed that line.
and the beauty of it is, we can all go check and see if it's true or not.
What are these then?
He paid for the heavy weighted upvotes
Check the wallet, I don't see anything getting paid for votes, mind you those are paid bots, so maybe Bernie has good connections with them to get freebies or paid elsewhere off Steemit exchange.
I really could care less about the Bernie vs. Haejin Bitch Slap Comedy Show, but I saw this post and thought... how does someone get paid so much (now over $861) for posting a FukU finger to someone else, and this poster has a negative reputation score.
How does the Steemit Algorithm even allow such payouts, this is just wrong and should be a major cause for concern for everyone on Steemit. There are just way too many bad posts getting paid way too much.
@nkkb says: Insane unfair dont know what else to say
Another bot:
He sent it by bittrex. He technically did pay but not main account. You got a 33.43% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of@bittrex! Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to supp.... This post has received a 46.76 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to@bittrex
Sad thing is, here we are upvoting this and commenting on it... It's like many on Steemit like rewarding bad behavior... in a way, I guess I am guilty of supporting this bad behavior by even making comments here, and not even getting paid for it.
Another bot:
He sent it by bittrex. He technically did pay but not main account. You got a 33.43% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of@bittrex! Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to supp.... This post has received a 46.76 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to:@bittrex
He going to burn the sbd if the post does not get fully flagged.
I am not sure what Burning is, not accepting payment and sending the funds back to the pool?
Just seems like a waste of SBD resources to me.
Mind you I think @haejin is taking a lot from the pool, more than Bernie...
Flag this post. Why? Some experiments? @berniesanders
Because he wants to consume @haejin Voting Power with flagging and not upvoting himself.
I did not think that there

are such funny posts in Steemit =))
Interesting and disturbing, strange combination but it works
Flag war lol
I wonder which of the two of you deserve to be reported to @steemcleaners and how much will that affect the rewards XD
fuck u haejin
When he's dared, it'll dawn on him that steemit stands for quality and rewards hardwork
hahaha why like angry :):)