
in #thinkings7 years ago (edited)

Caminando por la calle, Bianca y Tomas van tomados de la mano intentando comprar. “Tom, mi madre dice que ya llevamos mucho tiempo de novios. Que deberíamos casarnos. ¿Tú que crees?” le dice Bianca en el cruce de una calle. Su relación empezó en Octubre de hace dos años, y aun no se han enseriado. Su entrecejo con aire de molestia le dice que no le gusta para nada esa pregunta. “Yo opino que así estamos bien, ¿No? Te amo y tú me amas. Salimos juntos siempre, estamos juntos siempre. Compartimos todo. ¿Qué más hay con un matrimonio?” le dice Tomas. Su comentario le a mostrado parte de lo que hay en su corazón, pues él no cree en el matrimonio. Piensa que solo es un pedazo inútil de papel. Bianca sueña con una boda y un hermoso vestido blanco. “Sí, es cierto. Compartimos todo. Pero es que si nos casamos podremos vivir juntos.” Dice Bianca guardando un nudo en su garganta. “Ah… Quieres que vivamos juntos, si es eso, pues dalo por hecho mi amor. ¿Cuándo nos mudamos?” sonríe Tomas mientras besa su mano. “No. Yo no quiero solo mudarme contigo y ya. Quiero una boda, un vestido y compartir con nuestros parientes ese momento especial.” Bianca está algo incómoda. “Dale tú con el matrimonio. No me casaré ¿oíste? Ni ahora, ni nunca.” Soltando la mano de Bianca Tomas da un giro y se va.

¿Les parece una historia corriente? Quizás, pues lo normal es que cada pareja toma las cosas como mejor les conviene. Pero deberíamos tomar en cuenta los sentimientos del otro. Las alegrías se comparten y las tristezas se dividen. Quizás el destino de vueltas y nos arrepintamos de las decisiones que tomemos.

Walking down the street, Bianca and Tomas go hand in hand trying to buy. "Tom, my mother says we've been dating for a long time. That we should get married. What do you think? "Bianca says him at the intersection of a street. Their relationship began in October two years ago, and they have not yet been taught. His frown with an air of annoyance tells him that he does not like that question at all. "I think we're fine, right? I love you and you love me. We always go out together, we are always together. We share everything. What else is there in a marriage? "Tomas says. His comment has shown him part of what is in his heart, because he does not believe in marriage. Think that it's just a useless piece of paper. Bianca dreams of a wedding and a beautiful white dress. "Yes. It is true. We share everything. But if we get married, we can live together. "Bianca says, keeping a knot in her throat. "Ah ... You want us to live together, if that's it, then take it for granted my love. When did we move? "Tomas smiles as he kisses her hand. "Do not. I do not want to just move with you and that's it. I want a wedding, a dress and share with our parents and relatives that special moment. "Bianca is uncomfortable. "Are you still thinking about marriage? I will not marry, did you hear? Not now, not ever. "Releasing Bianca's hand, Tom takes a turn and leaves.

Do you think an ordinary story? Maybe, because the normal thing is that each couple takes things as they see fit. But we should take into account the other's feelings. Joys are shared and sorrows are divided. Maybe the destination takes a turn and we regret the decisions we make.


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