Think About It #1 - Follow The Leader?

in #think8 years ago

Follow The Leader?         

   Their people in this world that do their best get others to do as they say. Masses blindly follow them. Acting as is they are just mindless puppets. Never questioning their master’s motives, intentions, honesty, or integrity. Those who speak the loudest about tolerance are often the ones who do not tolerate others. The ones always crying “racism” are normally the most racist. The biggest sinners are often ones damning others for sinning. I could go on and on. However, I am sure you get my point. These people only care about lining their own pockets and increasing their fame. They have no problem spreading hate and division to do it. People who spread hate and division using false causes are one of the biggest problems in the world. A bigger problem is all the mindless slaves who follow these “leaders”. People need to wake up and realize these are “leaders” they should NOT follow!     


I absolutely agree my friend!