5 Things I love!

in #thingsilove8 years ago (edited)

There are so many things that I love that I could make a million posts and it will still not cover everything!
But I will share a few of my most favorite things and I hope it will tell you a bit more about the person I am behind my screen name. Even though I want to remain a closed book most of the time I also feel the need to share things about me! How double right? I know I already told some parts of my past and even shared pictures but I always think three times before I do. Anyways, here is a list of things I really love and I will also tell you why I love them and what they do for me! 

1) Creating art.

I love to create things in all forms and shapes. I draw a like but also paint and craft with every material you can think off. Being creative calms my mind and I need that. Of course there are days I don't draw or paint but those are days I am not at my best. I f I am not creating I am not happy. I love to work with colors but I also love to create really dark art! One day I can be working on a drawing of a teddy bear and the next I might work on a slaughter scene from the most dark stories you can think off. It's like having two different persons inside me, one loves to decorate for a childs bedroom while the other wants to bring nightmares to life. 

2) Writing.

Writing is something I really enjoy but not everyone else will like the way I write for my books. I have a own style when it comes to telling a story and I do that with as little detail possible. While I really am a fluffy and bubble person all my writing (( Books and poetry)) are dark, very dark. To be honest, I have been told that I am a sicko, a weirdo and I scare people. Once I was told that I am a psycho killer in the making. All the bad replies, words and painful inboxes did not stop me from following my own path in the writing world. I might write about demons and dead but they have no clue about the person behind the book. I am blessed with a very well build imagination and the blessing to write as if I am the bad one, the demon and or killer. Does this make me a bad person or a killer in the future? Nah, I don't think so. 

3) Stuffed animals.

Yes, I am 38 years young and I love stuffies! I am a BIG kid when it comes to them and I feel a deep passion for every stuffie I have. I don't have a million of them but for someone who is 38 I have a lot of them. I still have a few from when I was a kid as well. I don't cuddle with them or anything funny like that but I do sleep with one, a really soft cow and I use it as a pillow. Maybe that is called cuddling as well, I don't know. :D
If someone gives me a stuffie I could not be more happy. 

4) Netflix.

Img credits: Netflix

I am a Netflix addict! There is no help for me anymore because I am beyond saving! When Netflix started I did not want to know it. But, like many things I felt a need to see what the fuss was all about so after a few months I had a look and now look what it made me? I am seriously a addict and I watch it every day. To be honest there is only one other show I look beside shows and movies on Netflix and that is The walking dead on Fox. I don't watch anything on normal television anymore.
At this moment I am following these shows:
- The good wife
- Vampire diaries
- Originals
I also watch every horror movie added. No matter how bad they are! 

5) My animals.

My animals are the most cute, most amazing and most handsome in the world!
I was blessed with parents who loved having pets when I was a kid. I have had dogs and even one cat, I am not a cat lover! I have had hamsters, birds, fish, and a walking stick. And now I have a guinea pig ( Beer) and a Wabbit ( Bink).
Beer means Bear and Bink means Stud. Both are males and very laid back, just like I am! Animals give so much love and they never judge you. The Wabbit is free to leave his cage all day but at nights I close the cage. He stays on his big blanket when the cage is open and follows you around like a little doggy. He also likes to wash people with his tongue. The piggy is... well he is! Super lazy and he only moves when you lure him with food. He is fat, some might say too fat but he is also super big. I have had a fair share of piggies in my past but this one is really bigger than all the others I had. He is a cuddle monster and crawls in my neck and under my chin right away. I can cuddle with my animals for hours and so do they. The only bad thing about these cuddling sessions is they end in a wet shirt or sweater because they fail to tell me they need to go potty! 

These are 5 things I really love and I am sure that I will write more posts like this in the future!
Thank you for reading and taking the time to do so!
Have a blessed day and may your lips be curled into a smile all day long!
Life is good, Life is amazing and so are YOU! 

XX Poeticsnake. 


Don't worry about writing dark stories and creating gruesome art! I was always a quiet kid in school that didn't fit in. Other boys played basketball and football. I drew pictures and wrote stories. In fact, I drew pictures of horrible creatures and death, too. In writing class I wrote morbid stories of creatures stalking and killing people. My teachers actually enjoyed it and never expressed any concerns about my work.

I came from a safe, loving home. I have never personally witnessed violence. I just had a flair for it in my art. If I can find some of my childhood drawings I will share them here on Steemit.

Nowadays if a child draws murder scenes it throws up red flags. The child and the parents will be investigated, put on a watch list, and probably face serious consequences. The world has changed.

The more of your comments I read the more I love you. Seriously. I think I've adopted you as one of my boys in my head. HA! Maybe that's creepy. LOL
My oldest son had to sit with the school psychologist for a month because he doodled bloody scenes...and yet that whole time they never once thought it was a healthy release from being teased or bullied. And no one would help or listen to me when I said he was a little "off" - and turns out he was assessed with Asperger's at age 15. So frustrating! But I just went off on a wild tangent, didn't I? LOL

Not creepy at all, MOM! Haha :)

Just because some kids draw scenes of death, dismemberment, and decay, doesn't mean we wish anyone harm. We are just a bit twisted, that's all.

At the beginning of my drawings (( School)) The teachers told me to draw flowers and smiling faces and for a long long time I stopped drawing them. Same for my writing, I stopped because I let other people tell me what was good and wrong. But no more!
A few years back ( give or take 8 years) I said, fuck it all, I am going to do what I love the most! I finally became me again and it feels amazing!
The fact that someone is into dark writing and drawing does not mean they are bad or what ever people make them to be. I embraced that part of me and I have never been more happy.
Thank you for for reading and replying!
your words mean more than you can ever know!

I am glad my words made you feel good today! I used to be ashamed of being so different than the other kids. Now I embrace my weirdness and let it take me to new places!

They sure did! Weirdness rules in my eyes! I have been called weird so often and I always smile and thank everybody who calls me weird. I love being me and if that's called weird than weird is really nice! Lmao

That's what's so cool about Steemit -- weird people not only fit in here, but thrive!

This is very true my friend! This really is a place where you can be yourself without being judged! It's a great feeling!

Great that you love so much.... it is truly a wonderful gift to love and be loved. You attract what you give out!

I could not agree more with you!
Thank you for reading my post and replying!
Means a lot to get feedback here on Steemit!

You're very welcome. Have a great day X!

Have a marvelous day yourself as well! <3

Hi wow, 5 things you love - so much in common! And also 38 in two days.

As a teenager I read all about why murderers murdered as I couldn't see how people could act that why. Loved to read horror and watch horror films, now I seem to just watch animations with my girls and random films about dog robots!

Writing dark stuff was the very reason I wasn't accepted onto a uni course I wanted to get into (what seems a long time ago now), so I stopped writing!

Until last couple of years when I am learning to accept my weirdness and am becoming more creative and accepting of myself and that has taken a long time!

And like you I love animals, writing, cuddly teddies and making people smile.

Nice to have made a connection.

Hope Huggs aka Helen Doherty

I always wanted to please others instead of making myself happy! I wrote what I thought others would love to read and it made me so sad. About 8 years back I wrote my first long horror story and from that moment on I felt what i felt when I was younger.
I like to dive into the minds of scary people, stalkers, killers and tell a story that makes people shiver!

It's nice to find people who enjoy the same things and it feels so nice to make that connection!
Oh I watch animation as well. :D I love sponge Bob

I liked so much dear @poeticsnake :)

Thank you so much for reading and replying @jsantana.

I'm always following you :)

In a good way or are you becoming my new stalker? Lol!
Thank you, that means a lot!

I have personally enjoyed your dark writing and to hell what people say. I truly believe that our dark writing keeps us from being psychopathic killers. It's a little more acceptable to do the bloodletting in fiction than real life, no? LOL

I love the animals and the art and the netflix. You threw me with the stuffed animals though. hahah! You can't possibly be a psycho-creepy-serial killer with blast of cold air when you walk by if you have stuffed animals. Now, if they were kewpie dolls - that would be different. That would creep me out for sure! lol

You were the first person I made a connection with and who told me that she was into the dark stuff as well. It was at that moment that I fell in love with you woman!

Can't help it, I am a big and I mean BIG kid when it comes the stuffed animals. I kinda am scared of those weird dolls! On the other hand I would love to have a stuffed voodoo doll! :D

Thanks for sharing all this! I never knew you wrote two books, that's great! I don't think it's weird to have stuffed animals. I still watch cartoons for that matter.I'm sure I'll still watch them in 10 years. Your pets are really cute!

Thank you for reading and replying! I wrote a few more books to be honest and I am working hard on a new one as well. For the first time I am writing a book without demons, a story about love and life. I find it hard to write because it's out of my comfort zone but I am doing good so far! I hope to finish it somewhere next year!

That's great! Good luck with the new book! I'm sure you can finish it next year!

Thank you so much! :D

"I don't cuddle with them or anything funny like that but I do sleep with one, a really soft cow and I use it as a pillow."

Does your boyfriend know you call him a cow? ;-)

He has no clue but I am 100% sure that you will call him that way the next time you see him! Lmao!