What you need to know about the AW Fractal Community Councilors.

in #thiagore2 years ago (edited)

(Image: Consensus Game on AW)

The Alien Worlds fractal community has started discussion about improving his decision-making and setting up the Councilors structure as per the Consensus Game on Alien Worlds. Here is what you need to know about community governance.

The Consensus Game

Each week, members of the AW fractal community meet, share their contributions and reach consensus on who has subjectively contributed the most to the Alien Worlds Metaverse Game. The community uses a new implementation of the EdenOS fractal democracy process with the aim to improve on experimentations of EdenOnEOS, Fractally and EdenFractal communities.

The weekly event is called the Consensus Game. At the end of the game, all participants are rewarded with 2 tokens:

  • $RESPECT: A non-transferable token that represents ownership and voting power in the Consensus Game.
  • $POLL: A transferable utility token used for polling and voting on-chain in the community forum called Consortium.

Based on the number of $RESPECT each participant has, the six (6) most respected members (see leaderboard) form the Council of the Game and are called Councilors. By MSIG, they have full custody of the Game contracts and can decide what to do with the community treasury. Each week, Counselors have to sign the MSIG to confirm the results of the Consensus Game and transfer the ownership to new members.

What are Counselors responsibilities?

Counselors are responsible for:

  • Electing a head counselor called the Lead Link
  • Approving the budget for the Lead Link to spend during his term. Per the proposed structure, The Lead Link has to be re-elected by councilors every 2 months.

What is the role of the Lead Link?

The Lead Link is responsible for:

  • Setting the Vision, Mission & Strategy for the AW fractal community.
  • Creating roles and finding/approving people to fill those roles.
  • Creating Circles (working groups) and Finding Lead Links for those Circles.
  • Allocating resources to roles and circles. The Lead Link has to approve all existing roles every 2 months.

The community has started discussing about Councilors structure and will start putting it in place once the second iteration of the Consensus dApp is deployed.

About Alien Worlds?

Alien Worlds (AW) is a decentralized community-owned Metaverse where Explorers can play, build together, compete for Trilium (TLM) and collect NFTs. It consists of 6 planets and everything is tokenized within the Federation. From the Avatars to the tools, weapons, used by explorers in their daily adventures; even land, minions and artifacts have been tokenized. Alien Worlds Metaverse is powered by WAX blockchain, the most proven web3 ecosystem for NFTs and Gaming.

What do you think about the Councilor governance structure?
You can follow the Alien Worlds fractal community on telegram.

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