Hello! friends of this community THE Weekend it is a pleasure to be able to participate in this interaction and to make known a little of those habits that we commonly have as a person and those that those around us possess and that over time become They are becoming custom.

In this opportunity, and the options presented in this interactive game, I am going to focus on option 4:
If you could cast a spell and instantly bestow a weird, wacky, weird, or weird habit on someone (other than yourself), who would it be, why, and what habit would you give them and why? (This is your chance to have fun and be creative).
If I could have a magic wand, or a lamp like the one in Aladdin in the Harry Potter spell book and be able to cast a spell, I wouldn't skimp on choosing a co-worker.
Mi amigo y colega ( capture de pantalla)
.It may sound very witty, but if I could cast a magic spell like a Harry Potter movie, it would be to paralyze my colleague with a magic wand for an instant. He has a habit of talking and scratching his head at the same time, and makes us think that he has lice but they are not hahaha or he is confused, talking or chatting with him is stressful so much so that out of malice he put Carlos Angustias on him, we denote that it is a habit that he has because whenever we are together he cannot control his hands and he begins to scratch ..

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