In my previous Blog on Ecency, I had written this week about having my PayPal Account hacked. Not pretty when that is where your Disability Check is to be delivered via direct deposit. No one seems to understand the bureaucratic bull sh*t that one must go through. My anxiety is through the roof as, I must now wait 6-8 weeks for my "Paper Check" to arrive into my new Venmo account which I do have a debit card for. According to the Social Security Administration in the US, I have to wait for the deposit to be returned and then they will deposit it into the new account. It's all just a mess.
Now, I am at the point of not knowing what to do. I have borrowed/received funds from friends however, I am still short $100.00 (US) from meeting the most important bills ie: Rent, Cat Food, Insurance for The Furkids, Groceries, you know how it goes.
If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck. Dealing with this on top of Depression and Panic & Anxiety Disorder makes all of this 100x magnified. Besides the fact that I have a metatarsal joint removal surgery scheduled for Wednesday May 4th. That too is on my mind.
Public Image from the Internet (No copyright to picture)
So, what I am asking for is help. Not a hand out but a hand up. I don't know how far this post will reach. Or even if anyone cares. I feel alone. As well as, shamed for even asking for strangers to help me. I lost my pride long ago unfortunately.
We as in me and the furkids THANK YOU and if you can't help thanks for at least reading this.
Thank you again.
Ed, Prini and Tigger
He is new to blogging, he is very new to the Hive and doesn't know how to use tags etc...
I'm trying to teach/coach him.
In the meantime, he really does need help.
I know from my own experience that it is not proper to ask for money here, but like so many he could use any and all the help anyone can spare.
Awe dear! I'm here from the theterminal. Want you to know that we Love and care for you. Totally understand with what you're going through and Prayers up for you💗🙏. You're not alone!
Sorry about your loss
PayPal does not operate a Discord server. Please do not spread misinformation.
Ok sorry
Wait, PayPal has a Discord server?
The comment is deleted
I only think they had
No bad motive