Winning the Right to Vote .... 100 years ago.... What gave these Women the Strength to Fight

in #theresamay7 years ago

Theresa May Fights For Respect
It is almost the one hundredth anniversary of women winning the right to vote. And yet, intimidation is still something we are continually facing both at work and at home. I hear in the news that Theresa May will be urging politicians to be more respectful and more tolerant of each other, I realise this is still something we need to be discussing amongst ourselves on a more regular basis. There are too many times when people feel bullied, men as well as women, I believe the world needs more in the way of lessons in encouraging and growing, rather than competing and stifling progress.

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The details in the news reminded me of a lady I have been helping with homeopathic remedies for the last few months. I will call her Alice, and she had been really struggling. She was completely overwhelmed, and felt unable to cope with life. She told me about her life at home as a child and now her life at work, in her own business with one of her staff members. She was being undermined and bullied, she felt persecuted and threatened.

Business Strategy
To me the answer was simple, it was a business decision that needed to be made, and yet she felt completely stuck and unable to see the decision. As a Business Consultant, I could have proposed a strategy, compiled a scenario chart that highlighted the outcomes which might evolve from the proposed actions and created a consequence table in order to understand that even the worst case scenario would not be as bad as situation she found herself in right now.

But that was not what she had come to me for. She had come to find something to help her be less stressed. Something that would help her through this difficult time, something that would, hopefully, make her stronger.

What is Health?

Being able to make a decision doesn’t usually come into the remit of health. Yet I often find that when you are feeling “Under the weather”, or not at your best, decision making becomes all the more harder.

Often people come to me saying they are stressed and are not coping. They are not keeping on top of things, not able to cope with life around them and often feel “stuck’.

Decisions & Confidence
Feeling healthy allows you to make decisions and being confident allows you to manage the consequences of those decisions. Being confident about your decisions makes you more resilient to the consequences and enables you to cope with whatever is around the corner. Being confident and resilient also sends a different message out to those around us. We are often treated a different way if we change the way we present ourselves and react to others.

For some people, being stuck means they are unable to make a decision that really needs to be made. The decision may be a difficult one, it often means changing something, getting out of their comfort zone, going down an unknown path can be scary and lonely. This is where I found myself with Alice and I knew what I had to do.

Homeopathic Prescription

I prescribed one dose of Staphysagria 10m. It is a high potency that I knew would get things moving. I also made preliminary arrangements for Alice to meet a colleague of mine offering Business Strategy Advice. 3 weeks later, Alice came into the clinic to tell me that everything was changing. She had withdrawn her business from the market, which previously she had seen as her only option, she had made certain members of her team redundant and she was reshaping and replanning her strategy with new gusto.

In one fell swoop, Alice had suddenly found the strength to open her eyes and her mind to other possibilities. She had gone through all of the consequence avenues and had realised what the decision was she had been avoiding. Suddenly, her fear was overcome by confidence and resilience! I cancelled the appointment I had set up with the Business Consultant. Staphysagria had done it’s job! It had cleared the clouds, opened the door and given Alice the Strength she needed to move into her own future.

I love homeopathy! It is so much more than medicine! I wonder if the women who fought so hard 100 years ago for what they knew was right, had access to some great confidence giving, decision making, homeopathic remedies such as staphysagria. I would like to think so!


@marygreensmith this is a great case with a great outcome. It just shows that 10m's are often needed.

Thank you Anne, yes .... occasionally they are worth their weight in gold!