I felt this was a very hype match. The start was very strong, great hype followed by rapid, no-holds-barred escalation. However, I felt like that energy took a big dip between the Valora's first pin attempt on Dillinger and Anderson's ring entry. As I mentioned before, breaking up the narration paragraphs would help. I also felt the action during this section part became very complex and the prose is just too compressed to let me appreciate the technique at display. Extending the descriptions of what is happening would have helped more.
After Allen's entry, I feel the text became easy to read again, and I think the brawl when Abigail got involved was awesome. The commentators and narration described Sato's betrayal of Valora for a bit too long, but I think it was an important point to make nonetheless. Valora's takedown of Sato was great and had me rooting hard for her, I think think it could have been made better by mentioned how her broken arm locked down a good part of her arsenal and got in the way of executing what moves she could still do and then she still won anyways. As it currently was, the broken arm didn't seem to be much of an issue for her after some initial shock and pain.
Vastrix vs Huckleberry, parking lot edition- I liked this section, it was appropriately over the top and managed to escalate over the insanity of the main event brawl. The in media res to Huckleberry's slagged car was an great way to change the scene. That said, all of the characters were already introduced earlier, so I think adding each wrestler's big title picture broke up the visual flow of this section in a less than helpful way. Maybe try to keep post-show segments all-text?