THE OTHER ME - How much of us is genuine?

'Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It´s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.' - Brené Brown

Social media has a quite bad image when it comes to reveal true character. How do we look like without the Instagram filter? Where are our Facebook friends when we unplug?
Are we still empathic, kind, generous, cool, smart and relaxed when cameras are off?

How much authenticity can we really expect in virtual environments?


The other me

From my own personal experiences it has always felt better to be not liked for what I am than to be loved for what I am not.

I think authenticity is something that we have or we don´t. It´s a practice, a conscious choice of how we want to live and how we want to relate with others.

It definitely requires a certain measure of transparency, integrity and vulnerability.

If there is no wall then there are no safeguards.


In the end it doesn´t really matter if we are moving ourselves in virtual or true reality.

In both worlds we can either slip into a role or just embrace ourselves.

While we are wondering which way to go, we shouldn´t forget that we actually like people for all these tiny things they are doing without even being aware of them. We are not impressed by accuracy. We don´t fall in love with perfection. We rather get touched by the rough edges.

Less perfection. More authenticity.


I don´t know how you prefer to handle it, but I have an instinctive desire for the genuine.

I´ve never felt attracted or moved by anything artificial. I like freckles and laugh lines, slips of the tongue and slapstick. I like everything natural and trustworthy.

You can lie to the whole world but you can´t lie to yourself.

No matter how credible your stories might appear, there will be that point of time when the facade will be about to crumble. It needs a very good memory to be a successful teller of fairy tales. And trust me, they will be all unmasked one day :-)

'The currency of blogging is authenticity and trust.' - Jason Calacanis

I´d rather say that only being your authentic self is the ultimate secret to happiness in life - whether if you´re a blogger or not.


Ain´t these colors beautiful!

I am actually not sure if we can inspire others and awaken their hearts without being authentic at all. I´ve never tried to.

Standing next to your life´s story and trying to design it from the outside must be like watching your own birthday party on TV...

Thanks for your attention, I hope you enjoyed the read :-)
Marly -


All pictures done by myself (original content), except the quote:


I love to be around people who truly don't care what I think about them, it is so refreshing. I tend to limit my self to be something that I think people want me to be but I always seem to be wrong about what that is. I think we all just want to be with people who we can feel comfortable and free with. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this important subject :)

What a great comment, @camilla! Thank you so much!

I think we all just want to be with people who we can feel comfortable and free with.

I couldn´t agree more. It´s the unconditional way that really sets us free.

So, does Steemit bring out the authentic us or not? What are you saying?

I think It doesn't depend on steemit, but on the people's choice whether to show it or not. There will be always some that are trying to hide themselves and be someone else. But generally steemit has a really nice community and I've met a lot of great people so far, kind, inspiring... and authentic :)

I am always excited when I find authentic things, take for example the authentic Mexican food I enjoyed the other day! Seriously though, nice post and keep it real!

Thanks for your feedback, I am happy you enjoyed it. I like Mexican food, too!! :-)


I really enjoy all of your posts!! Thanks for sharing!

I am really happy to hear that, Sevin! Thank you!!
Hope you are enjoying your time on steemit :)

I have had a blast so far! Never got into Facebook much, but this is light years better!

That sounds awesome to me! Really good to hear that. And yes, my experience regarding FB (and other social media platforms) is absolutely the same. Once you´ve been on steemit anything else appears boring :-)
Steem on!

You're absolutely right!!

I love this, I was just talking to a friend about deleting negativety from our lives and it gave us the idea to block negative pages and apps from social medial even if we don't usually pay attention to it we still see it.

This was a great read and a good reminder of "Garbage in garbage out".

At least that is what I got out of it.

~ @Timbo

Maybe a lack of authenticity doesn´t have to be automatically negative. But many times it does. So yeah, there can be a correlation.

I was just talking to a friend aboutdeleting negativety from our lives.

That is always a good idea! :)
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us @timbo.

You are a very smart young, energetic woman with great insight to share. I am impressed with all your thoughts. I was not quite sure about the point you made about the wall : "If there is no wall then there are no safeguards." I build crystal walls for my cocoon for a zillion of years but I am in the process to smash them big time. Walls don't make sense!

"Breaking walls" was just a symbol for "unmasking". Authenticity makes us more vulnerable, that´s what I wanted to say here. And yes, most of the time they don´t make sense. Agreed!
Again thanks for stopping by an leaving your sweet comment :)Thanks for your kind words, @mammasitta. You were one of the first persons I met here when joining steemit in July 2016, so one of the reasons I stayed, too :)

What a joy to know that I am a tiny reason that you stayed. You are such an influential, refreshing, bubbly, energetic, young woman of voice here. I cannot always read nor comment but I feel your presence of positivity. You are the reason why newcomers will stay. Keep it going.
I am glad that I didn't misunderstand the "breaking down" those walls message 😜
Just making sure.
We better keep those masks off. This is not always that easy because I actually prefer privacy in public. I still hesitate to write about the 1000% authentic me but for sure I live up to the true self in daily life.
I remember that you mentioned a book you write. Fiction and non fiction combined would bring out the deepest secrets I guess. It helps me to find myself, never stop exploring the process of "unmasking".

My book is currently parked since I was too busy with other things such as blogging on steemit. But I will freshly restart in a few days.
Have a happy unmasked day!Oh wow, you made my day @mammasitta. Thank you! I perfectly remember my very first steps here on steemit and sharing them with you and @lichtblick in the Facebook group. There were only a few users in the group yet and we had some really nice conversations there ;)

Amiga no se por que cuando te leía te sentía enojada! Como que te iba leyendo y te escuchaba con esa vos finita tuya (jaja) gritándolo! Quizas que me equivoco, pero presentí eso...
Con respecto a lo que decís, tenes toda la razón. Prefiero tener 5 amigos que me valoren por lo que soy, a que tener 50 y con los que tenga que aparentar siempre.
Por lo poco que te voy conociendo, no hay nadie mas autentica que vos en Steemit. Sos lo mas transparente y sincera que hay en este mundo. Por otro lado yo no me preocuparía por alguien que no lo es. Tarde o temprano las caretas se caen.
Me extrañaste en mi ausencia o no me extrañaste?? mmmm no me extrañaste nada!! jaja

Jajaja enojada me notaste? Que va, estoy más feliz y relajada que nunca. Igual el asunto con Kraken me dejó un poco alterada, pero ya se me quitó!! :-)
Ausencia? Cuando? Jajaja Un abrazo

Powerful message @surfermarly

Good Egg = Good Heart

I started following you after a month of finding my way through the STEEM...

Love your authenticity and happy go lucky positive attitude daily.

Your smile is PRICELESS!!!


P.S. Surfs up! Hang loose sister! (already picturing your :D)

Thanks for your kindness, Frank. It´s much appreciated!
I am happy you enjoy @theeverydayproject :)

So the other you in real life is how? Are you a wild one or even nicer in real life than you are virtually already :-)?

Haha, there is no other me actually.
That´s why I am preaching authenticity here. Because I am its biggest fan :)

Are we still empathic, kind, generous, cool, smart and relaxed when cameras are off?

LOL, are you kidding? People are usually horrible on social media but perfectly nice in real life :-P

LOL - then we are following different instagram accounts!
But I know what you mean anyways...:) I just tried to not mention them.

Never used Instagram. Steemit and Twitter are the only social media I use these days, and I'm planning to quit Twitter...

I can totally relate. Twitter doesn´t provide me with any value at all. It seems to be all run by bots.
steemit has been an will be my no. 1 :-)

This is refreshing. As said in "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg and John David Mann about the Law of Authenticity: "The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself." Thanks for sharing!

Oh that´s a beautiful one! I like that very much and will definitely remember it. Thank you!! :)

Someone promoted your post. Promotions help every steemians.
Your reward is an upvote and 0.085 SBD extra promotion.
Good job, see you next time in Promoted! ;)

"Promoted" isn´t running currently. I´ve just spent 5 SBD to promote my post, but it doesn´t appear on the corresponding page (which obviously is buggy).
A quick way to burn some SBD though...:-(

I've found this post in the Promoted tab. If you are talking about this post, it works.

Ah really? I can´t see it. I´ve even tried to using different browsers...

Can you post a screenshot here? I cannot see it and have tried several browsers on different devices now. Thank you!

Here it is:

screenshot of promotion

You can see that the next post on the page has 5.07 SBD promotion (your one has 5.08 SBD).

Thank you!!! The sorting is different now on the promoted page, that´s why I didn´t find it. There are posts at the top that are almost one month old.

i hope there are a few people out there to protect earth, together with this company: