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RE: Boys, we need you!

@surfermarly, I really like this post and would give you +200% for it, if I could!

It feels to me like we have been pushed into an artificially structured society that ignores basic biology and nature in favour of... what, exactly? Seems like part of the problem is that technology has pushed our development along MUCH faster than genetics can keep up with; we can't adapt as fast as our advancements are moving.

People misunderstand the whole "equality" thing. I grew up in Denmark, which is one of the most gender-egalitarian societies in the world... but men and women are not "the same;" the idea is (which I think is also what you're suggestion) to give everyone equal opportunity to be themselves, whatever that means in each individual case... let's not stereotype "humans" or "men" or "women."


Thank you @denmarkguy! First of all for your valuable thoughts, and second for your 200% vote :))

The idea is to give everyone equal opportunity to be themselves, whatever that means in each individual case... let's not stereotype "humans" or "men" or "women."

YES! That´s it. 200% agreed :)

Some people have obviously misunderstood my intention what you can see from their comments here. When saying that men are stronger, I don´t mean that women are stupid. It´s just that we bring gender-specific potentials and thanks to them perfectly complement one another.

I totall embrace all these differences, not only the gender-specific ones. It´s what vital relationships are about.

Again, thanks for your great comment!