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RE: 💸 The Budget Challenge: My Cashflow Management

This is a fantastic article with a solid plan! I hope you continue to keep up with the updates and advice.

On personal finance, my father had me read The Millionaire Next Door when I was much younger (so it's a bit dated), and the principles really helped give me a great understanding on how to respect and use money to create a better life. Highly recommended.


Thanks for appreciating @digitaldruid! Oh yeah, haven't posted for awhile because of some busy schedule at work and personal stuff. Hope you'd check out my posts regarding the series I've mentioned 😊. Gotta update later ☺️. Thank you and hope to see you around here @digitaldruid!

With regards to The Millionaire Next Door, maybe I'm gonna feature it sometime in the future. I've had a line up of books to be shared in my blog, hoping you'll have time to check those soon. Thank you again! 💕