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RE: My Thoughts on the HBO Documentary Series "The Anarchists"

in #theanarchists3 years ago

I was read your Thoughts on the HBO Documentary .... when I was look it , I see all this have nothing to do what Anarchists.... all the big names have basically been left out of here from this events, and the only one has been put in is Jeff Berwick :))) and then the whole story revolves around two people who talk all the time about whether they're selling something or not, and then it turns out that they're selling something, and that's the whole story.... and knowing that Jeff Berwick also have given money to do it, I would suggest that he Jeff Berwick make his own team and make a decent multi-part film of the whole event himself, this Mainstream media will not do right thing long long time . + this the episodes were started 5 years ago, it's a damn long time and the whole series consists of two people selling something :))).... the makers of this series have done shit work... even I can count a huge number of big names who are taking part in this event and I don't bicker with any of them there in this Documentary... even in order to have an interview with you, they should add an entire one-hour episode here in this HBO Documentary :)))

Sorry what my weak English ... I was try text best I can :))