Oiza showed up when we were building the syndicates. He came in on suggestion by @karlin and he has been very adaptive despite the language barrier. He hails from Venezuela and actually has several blood ties here on Steemit. He definitely knows what family is and what they do - stick together.
Who Is @oizaguirres?
I remember several posts back, Oiza had made some breakfast. Wow, did it ever look good. I've kind of mentally labelled him as 'foodie' hoping to see some other down home recipes pop out in his feed. He is also a great photographer and very supportive of the Latino community we have here in #thealliance. He helps out Sol, Leya and Cris filter through applications, hone new students' skills, and play with them on the playground. Do enjoy what he has shared with us recently!
We Love You @oizaguirres
You have a consistency and dedication unlike most Steempeeps out here in the Steemit ocean. The support you give your family is truly appreciated! Keep giving us those woderfully crafted posts Oiza. On behalf of the entire family, let me say thank you for being YOU and we love you @oizaguirres!

Estimados hermanos, ustedes entienden lo que significa me han hecho parar los pelos,se me puso el pellejo de pollo, muchas gracias a todos, con ustedes he crecido, me siento una persona útil a la familia y a la comunidad en general. Un abrazo a todos y espero no defraudarlos y que nuestro proyecto siga avanzando.
You rock buddy, know that.
Hehe, thank you very much, then we will be rock mates
Qué bien que @thealliance haya nominado a este gran miembro, la persona que nos ayudó a corregir y aprender más cosas cuando estábamos en el patio de recreo. Sin duda alguna, @oizaguirres merece este post!!
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Good to see you getting some well deserved recognition @oizaguirres. Keep steeming!
Such an incredibly supportive family member, he is looking after all whatever language they speak and I know within the Spanish community he his highly regarded. A well deserved 🤗 for you @oizaguirres
Thanks @thealliance for all you do for Steemit and our Fam :)
Excelente mis felicitaciones a @oizaguirres un gran compañero
Que bien recibir tus palabras, muchas gracias amigo. Un abrazo
Congrats, @oizaguirres!
hola @christianyocte, muchas gracias. Un abrazo
You are welcome :)
Congrats my friend. That is a great honor👍
OH, well, my dear friends and family want me to respond in English, well in English bruised I give my thanks and blessings
Bravoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @oizaguirres is the best steemian I have ever known!
haha, thanks @ kaizag, you see me with loving heart eyes
You have been defended with a 26.16% upvote!
I was summoned by @thealliance.
@lost-ninja Thank you very much
Muchas felicidades a @oizaguirres, que continúe creciendo.
Muchas gracias @daysiselena, un abrazo.
Felicidades @oizaguirres se merece este reconocimiento; usted hace que en el patio de recreo estemos como una verdadera familia; con su apoyo, consejos. un fuerte abrazo, le deseo el mayor de los éxitos