📌Featured Member Follow-Up🙌 - @leyargoz

in #thealliance7 years ago


This week, we have been enjoying and sharing the marvelous photography of @leyargoz. We're glad your migraines are subsiding and you're feeling better this week! Why, I don't know what we would do if we couldn't see that smiling face around, especially all those loyal members in Beta that came on board under you and your 'Soul Sister'. Not to mention posts like these:

Highlights Form This Week


#thealliance @leyargoz.png

We Love You @leyargoz

I'm sure everyone will agree with me when I say you have a natural talent for espying the optical beauty that surrounds us all and so often gets taken for granted. You know how to 'stop and smell the roses', which makes us breathe it all in and reminds us to take a pause ourselves. So that being said, I know I speak for everyone here @thealliance when I say thank you and We Love You @leyargoz!