Growing up and becoming an adult

in #thealliance5 years ago

Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash!(

The world is a different place today. For about 30 years it pretty much stayed about the same. I had several jobs but they were all the same Jobs in different companies. I had many relationships but they were all the same woman with a different name. I lived in many places but no place felt like home.

It all changed. Things used to happen to me. Then I took some personal responsibility and started to make things happen. I had some questions.
1.) Who am I?
2.) What do I do?
3.) Who do I do it for?

When I meet new people they always ask the same questions. "So what do you do?" I talk a lot. That's what I do. I will talk to anyone who will listen.

You see, life is not about what you think it is. Its all an illusion that we all mostly agree on on.. Now If I hit you in the head with a baseball bat it would be a very painful illusion so please don't take what I say literally.

Harvard did a study. The project has followed 724 men since they were teenagers in 1938.

They would check in with the men every two years and ask them questions about their lives....They wanted to know what was important to them. As the men got older their ideas about happiness changed. I think the results were interesting and insightful. Hint Money and Power didn't make the list for most at the end of their lives.

American author Richard Rohr talks about having two halves of our lives. In the first half of our life, we build our container.. who we are. I am White, Male, Christian, Blue Collar, Democrat, American, etc etc... In the 2nd half of our lives, we step outside of the container and get to the truth about who we really are... For most this happens in their 50's. For some, it happens earlier, and for some, it never happens...

The world is an evil place. Greed and selfishness is the law of the land. People do horrible things.

The world is an amazing place. Nature has a complete system. Everything is born, dies, and reborn again. every creature serves a purpose that contributes to the ecosystem

Both statements are true. You can try them on like a pair of glasses. What do you see when you try on each pair? Imagine if you had a choice, every day about which glasses to put on... Guess What you do...! We all collectively wake up each morning and put on the glasses that we have been conditioned to put on.
we do this unconsciously without thinking.

Some of us don't like what we see in the world and it makes us angry. Somehow we all caught amnesia. We forgot that We create the illusion and we choose what glasses to put on. We are not victims and we dont need anyone to come saves us.

We just need to wake up!


Excellent post! Life is what you make of it. When I was 40 years old I got divorced from my husband of 28 years because I was tired of his constant negative attitude and keeping me in that environment with him. Now that I'm 60 I'm sorry that I wasted so many of those years being unhappy. We have the control, like you said, "wake up and use it!".

This ties into your post about being in a comfort zone... its ok to be comfortable but its not ok to be comfortable being miserable or in bad situations. We have the power

Exactly It's like my roommate and I we very much know that the hostility in the household especially when the kids are around it can get very stressful, so there may come a time here when my lease is up that we may have to split ways . To save our friendship if that makes sense...
it sucks knowing this too but we talk about it often and understand its just time. Just because i get my own place doesnt mean its the end of the world. Just the next chapter.

Thats why I push through the pain. I Go to the river because its ice cold and it helps the swelling. I cant tolorate the heat but shit an hour at a time. When you're stuck inside a house a lot the 4 walls can make your world a lot smaller. So it can drive you crazy. We are conditioned. Into being disabled one way or another. Thats why honestly....if they fix the hamstring I know what I want. I just cant do it all broken. They got to fix one the hip or rotator. Im right handed!! Lolol. Sucks but i want a small ranch so my kids always have a place to call home. Financial freedom. Happiness. You cant find it in stuff, trust me Ive tried. I buy all kinds of shit I dont need per say. Distractions. Pain. But its because i refuse to take those pills. For instance

They discharged me from the hospital with the diagnosis of pots if you look it up it means Pastoral orthostatic tachycardia syndrome... When you look it up they tell you it's caused from injury. They want to make it sound like there's something wrong with you. But there isn't there something wrong with your bones and your posture and it's giving your heart symptoms basically. They're slowly conditioning people would tricky words and stuff... DE humanizing the words... its sad. I could go on but I wasn't that person in school but when the teacher asked do you think the glass is half empty or half full, I thought either. I just felt the glass was twice as big as it needed to be and actually got in trouble for that answer. But i want to live minimalist. Off grid. But i need to be able to take care of myself. Ive never not made a goal. This one will just take longer.

If you met YOU and had a deep conversation about your life, what advice would you give yourself? Would you pat the other you on the back for all your achievements. Would you judge the other you for your mistakes or would you be gentle and tell your self that making mistakes is how you learn? In a world where no one understands you and few support you would you understand and support the other you?
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.All there is is this moment. We have the power to choose what we donin this moments. Will we do something loving and compassionate for ourselves? Will we do something loving and compassionte for others? If we truly loved ourselves what would we do.? Sometimes simply acting as if we loved ourselves is actually the most loving thing we can do

To have patience. Its so hard but im trying