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Few years ago, I had a nice long walk on one of Dubai's beautiful beaches. After about an hour, I got a bit thirsty so I decided to go back to my car and look for something to drink. I couldn't find anything. Luckily my home isn't too far from the beach, about 25 minutes drive, so I decided to drive back home and get some rest.
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When I reached home, I went straight to the fridge to grab some nice cold water. I opened the fridge and I saw three bottles: One bottle of cold orange juice, one bottle of lemonade, and one bottle of pomegranate juice. There was an empty glass next to them.
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I thought for a second what should I drink first. I knew if I drank the orange juice, I will probably have no appetite for either the lemonade or the pomegranate juice. And if I drank any of the other juices, I won't need to drink the other ones any more...It didn't take too long before I decided to pick up the lemonade juice and pour it in the glass till it was totally full. I drank it and my thirst got quenched nicely. I closed the fridge and didn't think even twice about refilling my glass with any other liquid.
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In our lives, we do have many things going on...Our daily busy schedules, our work and personal responsibilities and obligations, our relationships and goals and projects we're working on. So many things happening in our lives but if we look a bit closer, we'll find that one of the reasons of stress in our lives is that we're trying to focus on everything at the same time under the notion of being more productive and efficient. We try to do well on a certain project at work, but we feel bad about not giving enough attention to other projects. We try to spend time with our kids but that takes from the time we spend with our friends. We try to focus on our relationship with our spouses but that makes us feel we're ignoring our hobbies. So, no matter how hard we try to satisfy all our needs and obligations and responsibilities, we are always thinking of what's missing and where we're not performing well. And this not only adds up to our stress, but it takes away from enjoying what we're currently doing.
No matter how much I enjoyed drinking that glass of lemonade juice, I was leaving out both the orange juice and the pomegranate juice. No matter how hard we work on one thing, we'll always be leaving out something else.
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So, what's the solution for this dilemma? How can we resolve this problem? Guess what: There is no problem in the first place to be resolved. I say, we are human beings and our nature is to do and enjoy and focus on one thing at a time. So, why would I feel bad about missing a million other happy moments when I'm already living a happy moment? As long as you don't ignore any important relationship or responsibility in your life, it's OK not to handle everything at the same time. It's OK to just be human and do one thing at a time and do it right and fully enjoy it. Self-blame on things which deserves no blame causes nothing but stress and negative emotions which will not only negatively affect the quality of our lives, but will also make it hard to enjoy anything we do or any happy moment we live.
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So, enjoy having your cold drink when you feel you need it, and enjoy having your hot cup of tea or coffee when the time is right for them.
Sure, a paradox of choice out there… along with FOMO (fear of missing out). It's a case of focusing and enjoying each situation at hand. Indecision can be the biggest stressor. Any decision at all always feels much better. And great choice with the lemonade! (perhaps pomegranate next time ;))
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.... Yes, I love those cold juices and I hope I don't get too greedy having them all lol
great post dear nuor ....well done ....where are you my dear? I used to see your comment
Thank you Ghada... very nice and kind of you... I've been travelling in Oman on a business trip and the internet is not good in most of the places here :( I've missed out on a lot over the last week. I'll try to get back in shape here soon :) Thanks again dear.
It's so true, to juggle many balls is futile, but to concentrate on the most important things in life, the things that is of value, produces an abundant life! Peace.
Well said... Thanks for sharing your valuable insights.
This is so true.
I, for my part, try my best to be organized. There are important tasks, urgent, not-so-urgent and the ones that literally we cannot take care of right now or can be delegated.
You cannot take care of everything right now. And you just cannot control everything. To recognice this is the fist step in getting rid of stress.
Very good way of explaining how to categorize tasks in our daily life so that we can set our priorities right.
Fresh juice and coffee! A must for me. Just bought fresh guava at the market today and made a gallon of guava juice. Yep, it's the little things in life that bring us joy..
Great... I love guava too... I hope you have some left overs :)
Just had some with my breakfast this morning and yes there is plenty left. LOl
one step at a time :D @nuridin
That's my message... Thanks for reading @piratemonki
Fresh dink. I like coffee so much. Haha
cool... enjoy your cups of coffee then... one at a time :)
I paint with coffee so it's not only to drink
Interesting use of coffee... I always knew it's good for other things besides drinking
Yups that's right
I like how you see things in life. Those words are soup for the soul and indeed it refreshes my mind and the way I think of life is. Thank you for this reminder.
You're welcome @coinbelly... Glad you like it :)
Wonderful written and a great message
Its important to set goals priorities and needs all aligned Ina. Way that is best for oneself
Thanks @tattoodjay :) It certainly is best to do just that.
Absolutly, we are all so hectic these days setting priorities and making best use of one time is important
I totally agree with you!
Thanks @lukaluci
You're welcome :)
"we're trying to focus on everything at the same time" this is a common thing and most of the people if not all of them tend to focus on what's NOT going right, and what they DON'T have!
We simply magnify the NOT & DON'T while ignoring the HAVE!
We should really train ourselves and work on appreciating the simplest things in our lives. Once you've mastered appreciation, it's time to welcome abundance in your life!
Well said.... nice and positive thoughts... and I like that picture... I know how you drew it ;)
You know how I drew it?... Okay! Why don't you draw one like this ? :D
I dare you :D
Will be waiting to see your drawing of a cheesecake and a cup of coffee in a reply to this comment! 😎
haha....You dare me? I can't win such a challenge... you know you're good at drawing... not fair to try to win you over... And I haven't got that app... You don't wanna see my drawing for sure..
Well.. you said you knew how I drew it.. lol
I thought you knew how to draw exactly the same!😄
Thanks for your kind words 🙂
morning, a cup of coffee, the sun light, great!
Thank you :)
This happens to be the greatest sermon of them all. I thought you will mix the juices
That's possible too.... as long as it's still one glass at a time.
I recently got asked a question relating to this subject in the comments of a recent blog. When I started to consider how I actually manage my time, I was pleased with how I have chosen to divide up my time over the past few years.
Finding a balance can be difficult, but I certainly don't want to miss out on a lot of things (even if they were literally other types of juice. I love fruit juice. haha). Thanks for this thoughtful look at the way we process decisions and manage time.
Yup, mixed fruit juice is healthy :) You're welcome. Glad to hear your thoughts here and appreciate your reading.
Nice post mate
Thanks buddy
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Great Post
Interesting little psychological moment. I'd have poured all three juices together and made a punch. (Because life is too short to fret over little decisions like that.) And yes, that made me realize how much multi-tasking is a way of life for me. If I'm not doing at least two things at once, the time feels "empty" somehow.
I cook and write at the same time. I look for images and watch television. I read posts and listen to music. I construct our group post while I make notes for my next blog post. I read the news online while I eat.
I have to admit I get a lot done, but, yes, the "purity" of concentrating on one thing at a time is just special. Our dog (a lhasa apso -- kind of like a Pekingese ... a breed from Burma) insists on several minutes of cuddle-time when I finish dinner. My husband says this is his equivalent of a post-prandial brandy and cigar.
(And I cannot convince him to just skip it. He whines and carries on in the worst fashion until he gets his way. He is so spoiled. The dog, that is. And ok, my husband, too. They are both so spoiled.)
But there is something nice and intense and wonderful about concentrating, even for a few minutes, on just them. Multi-tasking would ruin that totally. I can tell.
Hi enchantedspirit. Yes, that's very natural. If we focus on one thing "totally", we have no room to "focus" on any other thing "totally" too and get the best result in both. Actually I will write tonight a post just about the concept of "multi-tasking" as I have a very definite stand on this subject. I look forward for you checking our my coming "multi-tasking is a myth" post :)