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RE: How Not To Get My Witness Vote (A Magical Musing on Bullshit)

in #thealliance7 years ago (edited)
  1. I know many Nigerians who have had success with @surpassinggoogle #untalented contest or at least, they have found themselves taken in by him

  2. His mother died. Its a photo that @purepinay may have chosen but I'm 100% sure she didnt chose it maliciously

  3. As for her clothing, she can wear whatever the fuck she wants.

All do respect, i find you humorous and smart but i think you are wayyyyy off the mark here. If you are actuallymy concerned about Nigerians, do you follow any? Ask them what they think before making assumptions. We have no idea what @purepinay was thinking when she tagged nigeria. But assumption is that she is grateful for the steemgigs community and @surpassinggoogle

Its your choice to do what you want with your blog but what worries me is you trashing on another steemian, nay woman, not seemingly getting the full details, and then all of your followers just blindly aggreeing with you.

I hope that you consider what I'm saying and if you want to do more for Nigerians (altho, let me tell you they want and need more than pennies and are far from helpless pawns) then just do thst instead of dragging others through the mud, especially in such a sexist and degrading manner.

@edumurphy @rasamuel @greenrun @africaunchained

can speak further on how they feel about @surpassinggoogle


does she follow any?


Thanks for all your continuous support @Battleaxe in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka.

I'd have a hard time keeping up with yah community business if you weren't in all those country channels daily, keeping them clean and fun.

Thanks for your ongoing support.

Oh @limabeing , do you intend to be offended by the planet your whole life and alienate yourself from every single person on the platform, one by one? Or do you expect to mature some day? You know most rational people are over the "social justice warrior" thing now, right? So 2007 right now. I would have though you might have learned from your first half dozen community bannings around here or something.

Thank You back.....
glad to see the first young ladies sports initiative did so awesome, ooooh the jersey's

yeah I wish I had more time to get prepared for that, didn't hardly see it coming, was too wrapped up with our efforts in other countries at this one's launch.

Nice jerseys indeed, even if mine is a bit more flattering than the others ;)

lol, no joke


that's cool, we'll agree to disagree or just disagree
I'm not going to change my opinion except on maybe a couple things and that's my huge statement.
We don't see eye to eye, that's that.
Have a great weekend

oh and by the way I don't do the tag name thing, I think it's rather .....meh, ;) :)
Steem On!

I tagged people because these are nigerians. They can speak on the subject of being treated poorly. Most of the nigerians on steemit are highly intelligent. I hope that you consider their opinions.

1b882eea3500b670c65c7aa995249fb2--funny-google-searches-animal-quotes.jpgKeep steeming on @battleaxe, I love that you speak your mind.

Aint that the truth @topkpop ... some try to claim sainthood while doing so

No ones claiming saint hood but aite. Btw, who are you?

what an odd question .. okay so back at you .. who are you?

Im someone who knows both of these humans and has fully engaged. Your comment, perhaps accidently appears to insinuate that someone ( i can only imagine mysrlf since that is who topkpop is talking about) is a hypocrite. I dont know you or what you think you know but i definitely never claimed to be a saint. I dont think the other guy in here did either. He lives in the phillipines and is standing up for his friend who was trashed on for wearing short shorts and a crop top and having the audacity to support her friend and team leader.

Its actually ironic because battleaxe is the one who started this by trashing on a young phillipino ( who writes fairly well and seems intelligent and nice) and a witness... because why? Because they tagged nigeria? Because the girl is wearing short shorts and a crop top? Because the witness's mom died and he posted about it?? If my mom died i would be posting every day. Especially if it was my job to blog about my life. So??? Who is claiming sainthood? Cuz i dont see anyone doing that. I drf got my shit but its just not here in this convo.

Haters??? Im defending @purpinay and @surpassinggoogle i find it odd that such a levelheaded woman would hold a grudge for so long. I'm not hating on anyone here. As for in my server? No. There will be no slutshaming in there.

Note: this is the only response I will be putting so it can be made perfectly clear. You chose to derive what you wanted from that meme, that is your own doing. You are correct I am level-headed which has been shown many times in many many many interactions. A grudge, no, I think not. But, I do not pretend to be okay with people who go around toting women empowerment, support for each other and more in public and then behind closed doors accuse strong, vibrant, respectful, and community driven women of not doing just that when their actions have shown nothing but the opposite. Finally, I might add, I think it is extremely childish to say something like slut shaming when it has not been mentioned and let alone was in response to a meme. Good luck and steem on.

you got mad at me, for my opinion. Came into the server and said " i have seen too much" then immediatley came back when you thought i wasnt leading it, making a huge fuss about there being "a change in leadership" and refused to unblock me as per the rules of the server that were previously aggreed upon (by you).Apparently you dont know what the post is about? @battleaxe is slutshaming purepinay. That is why i disagree with her on one point. Also she is using Nigerians to attack another person from another thirdworld country @surpassinggoogle i said this to explain why i am strongly disagreeing with her opinions on this matter. I am not "hating" on her --or you. In fact

I support women but not blindly. If you are not on board for the type pf progressive intersectional feminism that teamgirlpowa is heading towards "altho being held back" then, the team can respectfully withdraw support and even respectfully , strongly, disagree, woth facts to back it up. I have done that both here and on your own page. Battleaxe can say what she wants on her page and so can you. And i can oppose those views.

To clarify about my response: im not "hating" on here. In my server i shall reserve the right to stop such behavior.

That's all I was trying to say, albeit not so eloquently as you.

@surpassinggoogle is a good dude, and does help a lot of people.

@purepinay was only tagging Nigeria, because #nigeria and #philippine communities are heavily supported by @surpassinggoogle, and she was merely just trying to get them to return the favor and vote for him to be a witness. So, she tagged these communities, so they could support @surpassinggoogle if they haven't already.

I see you are from #Boston, me also :D (Marblehead actually)

We have a boston meetup coming up with aggroed. Search for #bostonmeetup i think i tagged it there. You should come!

Oh wait!! U r in the phillipines right now! Darn. But hey let me know of any other new england steemians.

Yeah, been away for awhile now... Miss everything but the snow and shoveling it. Haha.

I don't actually know any NE bloggers either. Was surprised to see you as the first.

There are a lot of us!! Nice to meet u!! Horrible way but i will take what i can get.