I am glad you brought this topic up. I don't feel that I can do more than one "major" task at the same time. I care for the quality of almost everything I do, and I struggle when I have so many tasks.
I think it is all about personalities. The ones who "Multitask" tend to compromise on the quality of at least one task, or maybe they are " take things lightly" kind of people.
The "Multitaskers" might have easier lives, because I guess they're not worried about perfection in each and everything.
Good or bad, I can't be a "Multitasker", and sometimes it bothers me.😐
To summarize, I think each person has a certain level of "Multitasking" or whatever you wish to call it. ( I have the lowest level possible I guess :P)
Keep up the good work
If you have the lowest level of multitasking, then you have high standards and high level of quality....that's a good thing :) Keep up your quality standards when it comes to tasks, and keep up giving people your attention when it comes to relationships...they both have great benefits and results in both your personal and professional lives.
I agree! Thanks 👍🏻