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RE: Admiration & Appreciation II

in #thealliance7 years ago

abandoned graveyard and also this uniion station railyard
If only we could make a few more extra hours in the day....
Very good call my friend, these are just a few of the many that need a little more coverage then they are the moment. It's getting harder to keep up with so many people and so much content to enjoy - it's easy to miss more then you see. I know my buddy @hangin keeps plugging away but does not always get the attention he deserves with super posts like this by @dabeckster #thealliance


Is it possible to add even just 2 hours to a day? So we can steemit more?! I'm just missing so many great pieces....

More good quality family members you mentioned. Since we're talking photographers, I'd like to point out @victorbz as well. Stunning black & whites that guy!

True that, I love him does some amazing photography. Honestly though - I just went down the post using #TheAlliance - incredible content, so many amazing posts I wish I could just spend every single hour of the day going through each and every one of them!