Wanting to spread peace and love through Steemit, The Alliance has sent out a call for the family to post themselves making the 'peace' gesture. For funsies, I included a few extra. Now, @Enginewitty asked for this over a week ago so, I'll have to check in with him if there's a late penalty...

I think that Bill (from the Bill and Ted movies) summed it up best.
"Be excellent to each other."

Remember, this includes yourself. I think peace starts from within. Acknowledging that we aren't in control of anything but how we see the world and what we do with our time in it. If you've peace with yourself, it'll radiate out into the universe. This isn't a unique perspective but, it's mine.

I don't feel that having inner serenity and being a peaceable person means that one doesn't experience anger, sadness or other feelings commonly seen as 'negative'. I think it means facing why you feel this way, controlling those emotions instead of letting them run roughshod over you and then deciding to use that energy as a constructive force instead of a destructive one. Not to say that someone shouldn't vent. It's healthy so long as one doesn't lash out and harm anyone - including themselves.

Forgiveness is an act of love and compassion. Who hasn't made mistakes and felt the sting from bad choices? Yes, there are lessons to be learned from these experiences. But, what good has ever come from holding on to the burden of resentment and bitterness? The power of forgiveness begins with letting go of blame. It doesn't mean that you condone what happened, just that you forgive who did it. Again, don't forget to include yourself. Do you punish yourself more than you do others for past transgressions? It's hard, but try to let go of that shame and self-loathing. You deserve forgiveness just as much as anyone else. (Personally, forgiving myself is something that I struggle with. But, this squirrel has gotten better with it.😉)

Patience is an expression of kindness that goes hand in hand with peace. Ever have one of those, " If ONE more person presses my last nerve, I'm going to need a shovel.", kind of days? Obligations pile up, nothing is going as well as you think it should, things happen beyond our control (for example a person driving 5 MPH in front of you with her flashers on and you're late as it is) and our stress spikes. Patience takes respect and understanding and gives the ability to calmly face frustration. Everything happens at its own pace and no amount of yelling will hurry it up. Yup, I'm adding in "don't forget to have patience with yourself". You knew that I was going to. 😁

Listed last because it's my favorite, I believe that spreading peace means sharing a laugh. Humor is a shield against pain, a sword against conflict, and a comforting blanket against callousness. It grounds us, keeps a day from spiraling down into a deep well of suck, and can diffuse tense situations when tempers are flaring. Could you fight someone while giggling your ass off? Don't you just love the cathartic release you feel after howling with laughter? Spread that around. Share jokes, be silly and try not to take others or yourself too seriously. Sure, not every situation warrants humor and everyone has differences in what they find funny. But overall, I think that humor has the power to strengthen acceptance in our shared humanity and uniqueness.

I didn't know squirrels had that trouble, too.
I let just about anything go, that anyone does--unless I did it. My own misdeeds and omissions do weigh on me. To what end? I guess so I never do stuff like that again.
Nice post @brisby. Although, some of those fingers.....😁
🤗 Thank you!
It's the hardest thing for this squirrel to do. Knowing it doesn't make it easier. That you listen to those feelings and use them as a motivation to not repeat the actions is beautiful in my eyes. Again, you've my deepest respect, sweet Agmoore!
Yeah, that particular smiley faced finger seems odd in a post about peace, doesn't it? My first memory of someone giving the finger was from my Grandmother. Her and my Grandfather had been arguing (lightly) and my Grandfather stood up and left the room (I figure it was because he didn't want to keep the disagreement going in front of me). My Grandmother nudged me and said, "watch this" and then called him back in. As soon as he did, she grinned, flipped him the bird and said, "love you." (She even added a kissy noise.) My Grandfather lost it and started laughing!
So to me, it is more a gesture of playful teasing. My friends and I will do this to each other with smiles and winks, knowing it's meant in jest.
It would have been much nicer if I hadn't done those things to begin with. Unfortunately, growing up and coming to my senses took longer than it should have.
As for hand gestures--I had different exposures, different cultures, when I was a child: upper New York State (rural) and New York City. I don't remember any hand gestures from the country, except for violent ones (oh dear, yes!) In New York City, people are expressive with their hands. It's part of the language. Though, 'flipping' the wrong person off can get you into a lot of trouble. I'll admit to the judicious use of all my fingers at some time in my life 😇
Thank you for that lovely picture. I've looked at it several times now.
Love these pics! Such a great series, and the Peace Party is especially awesome! 💖
Thank you, Kittygirl! (There really was music playing too! 😁) There are so many great photos coming out for the Alliance's call!
Loving that peace party up there!
Thanks! You know squirrels, we'll turn ANYTHING into a reason to party!
Thank you, Katrina! 💕 That's a sweet compliment from a fantastic person like you!
Awesome colours✌
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Thank you! 😎 ✌
Well you're already excellent so I'll try to be one also around you :).
Warning: result not guaranteed.
That's so sweet! Thank you, Scrawly! 💜
Ha! I've never seen you be anything other than excellent towards me and everyone I've seen you interact with.
Hugs!Perfectly said @brisby! Sharing a laugh is the best, especially with you!
Thanks, Whatisnew! Some of the happiest memories I have from Steemit are the laughs you've shared with me!
My exact sentiments. We sure have had a lot of good laughs and I am looking forward to many more. That cat gif is adorable! Thanks so much for making me smile, my sweet friend. (((((brisby)))))
This is an absolutely awesome post, from beginning to end. We are completely on the same page.
Too tired for more at the moment, but thank you. This post made my night.
Peace Party!!! ;-)
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Aww, thank you! 💜 It feels so good to find someone else who has the same outlook! That's yet another wonderful thing about coming together on this platform.
To know that something I wrote made your night has me beaming over here! Thank YOU, Crescendoofpeace! 🤗
You're welcome, @brisby! Have a wonderful Sunday.
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