Just about half way to where we are aiming before going forward. With the advent of @themothership, I have decided to take a new direction and become a manual curator for accounts such as @thealliance, @syndicates, @stsl, and @tyedyefirepower. I will also choose random allies to vote on, ones I think deserve some extra attention. There was an ally that had started a posting series called 'Buried Treasures', but it would seem that has disappeared. Maybe that would be a good place to start. Any suggestions? Please comment if you have some :)

Looking forward to your treasure hunt! Maybe you could pop in to discord and ask for a few random folks to send you their treasure!
That is a fabulous idea sweets!
Manual curation for the win!
Thank you for doing this. It takes a lot. I just spent about an hour and a half manual curating (and commenting thoughtfully) in my @transientflowers account. (It's for weed. 😎 )
Seriously, there is a LOT of ick that ya gotta sift through to find the gems.

I would like to see the buried treasures come back. I would have tyedyefirepower hit them with some pews
Thanks, looking forward to some cool vibes being sifted from the ashes before the 7 day deathlike ending... be well @a11y