At the time of the Sultanate of Aceh has been modern proven Sultanate of Aceh has been able to make his own armory equipment. This is evidenced by the presence of old guns that now lined the fortress Indraparta and Aceh museum. Originally the guns were thought to have originated from purchases to the Kingdom of Turkey, but after re-examination, it turns out the cannon was made by the sultanate of Aceh itself.
It was the royal technicians of Aceh who had armed them with the knowledge they had learned from the Ottoman Empire. The role of these guns is crucial in the fighting and fighting of invaders and enemy warships who are about to lean on to the rencong ground dock.
Tomb of Sultan Iskandar Muda Relic of the Kingdom of Aceh which is next is the Tomb of the King of the Kingdom of Aceh the most famous, Sultan Iskandar Muda. The tomb is located in Kelurahan Peuniti, Kec. Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh city is very thick with Islamic nuances. The carving and sculpture of calligraphy on his tombstone is very beautiful and becomes one of the historical evidence of the entry of Islam in Indonesia through Aceh
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