The Mystery of the Rock Cups and the Dream of the Beautiful Girl in Aceh Jaya

in #the7 years ago

imageCAMAT Setia Bakti and residents showed a casket-like stone in Lhok Geulumpang Village, Setia Bakti Sub-district, Aceh Jaya. Photos were recorded on Thursday (28/9).
VILLAGE Lhok Geulumpang, Setia Bakti Sub-district, Aceh Jaya lately is excited by finding an object similar to a stone crate. So far the existence of the object is still clad in mystery. A number of circles have speculated to call it similar to stone crate or sarcophagus which is found in several regions in the archipelago, such as Tapanuli, Sumba, Minahasa, and Java.

As is known sarcophagus is a place to store the corpse, generally made of stone carved, decorated and made with care. Some are made stand-alone, as part of a tomb or some graves. While some others are made to be stored in the basement.

The discovery of a rock-like object at the foot of the village of Lhok Geulumpang also raises another speculation. Some think the object is a coffin or a treasure chest of ancient people who allegedly had been planted and blend with the rocks of the mountains thousands of years ago. There is also a pessimistic just think of it as a natural painting of human sculptures past.

"The stone was discovered about a year ago by an outside worker at the Lhok Geulumpang tourist site. The object can not be dismantled, because some of them have been attached with other stone and need carving again, "said Ibn Abbas, Subdistrict Setia Bakti, Aceh Jaya to Serambi, Thursday (28/9) when found in the location.
Behind the occurrence of the stone chest the Porch looking to find out about the existence of the strange object got a unique story. It is said that the existence of the stone crate was known after a worker at the construction site of Lhok Geulumpang tourist facility dreamed of meeting a beautiful girl and a grandfather in that location.

Initially the dream was considered only a sleeping flower. But strangely, the man who is not known by name it actually experienced the same dream up to three times. Finally the man came to the location seen in his dream until he found a strange object that was later known to resemble a stone crate. It's right at the foot of the mountain near the beach.

The discovery of the stone box attracted the attention of the Office of Culture and Tourism of Aceh. On Thursday 28 September 2017, the agency came to the discovery site and discussed with community leaders. Upon input and support of residents, the agency plans to conduct further research on the existence of the stone crate in October.

"Concerning the alleged sarcophagus in Lhok Geulumpang that we found about a year ago will soon be investigated which involves the Office of Culture and Tourism of Aceh, a team of researchers from Medan, Balai Preservation Heritage Reserve (BPCB) Aceh, Office of Education and Culture of Aceh Jaya. The study will be conducted this October, "said Yudi Andhika, Head of Museum and Cultural Heritage Preservation at the Department of Culture and Tourism of Aceh to Serambi, Thursday (28/9).

Research was conducted to uncover the mystery behind the existence of the crate of stone that has been partly entered into and blend with mountain rocks.

According to some residents, mythical stories also often burst around the location of the discovery of rock crates that are often used as a camping site for students Scouting. Some of the students were known to be possessed, and some were sick after returning from the area.

Is it possible that the crate is a form of a coffin or a form of a treasure chest? "To answer this mystery we just wait for the results of research from the Department of Culture and Tourism of Aceh, whether it is true an object relic or not," said Ibn Abbas. (Sa'dul bahri)

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