In this article we will talk about the strangest of 5 YouTubers , has transformed their diseases and their suffering into positives; and achieved success and fame and money through YouTube.
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A Russian girl suffering from a rare health condition called "Macon Albright"; and this disorder affects the skin and tissue and bone glands and produces abnormal scars that lead to deformities at the face , but it is interesting that this girl has a large number of followers on YouTube up To 100K followers, and the most surprising is that channel are interested in teaching make-up and how to look at life in a positive way.
Lizi, a 23-year-old woman, was born with a very rare and chronic disease that doctors could not diagnose and find . The number of people with the disease is only three. Doctors told her she would never gain weight. Snacks should only be dealt with throughout the day.
She was always suffering because of her slim shape and her rare illness and her ruthless appearance. Even a person filmed and put the video on YouTube under the title of "the ugliest girl in the world"
The video received a high proportion of the views exceeded the 5 million views, although the duration of the video did not exceed 8 seconds,The video also made sarcastic comments of the poor girl,After reading the comments,She felt contempt and horror, but she did not give up. She was able to start her lectures with motivation and success and published her first book, "Beautiful Lizzie" and the second, "Be Beautiful." She was able to influence girls around the world, On Youtube and followed by 500K followers.
Nicky has a special channel on YouTube that is watched by more than 60K followers,Nikki is only 11 years old, his channel is about videos about cooking, mike and several tips to help others,But the interesting thing is that Nicky is suffering from an arterial venous anomaly, an abnormal entanglement. Causing disruption of communication between blood vessels and arteries. She was born with this rare disease, but his symptoms began to appear only when she was six years old. The right side of her face started to swell and suffered a sharp haze from her nose, and he worked hard to prove that it did not have to be nice to be successful.
Jorda was born in a rare genetic condition that made a tumor called cystic fibroblast grow in her face; it causes abnormal swelling; she has undergone several surgeries in her childhood to minimize her swelling; but she has not been fully treated and despite her help and differences she has been able to publish passages explaining her How to make makeup in an ideal way using sign language, and emphasizes that beauty is not just a face and beauty stems from the inside, and the ambitious girl 22 years she received support from her family and most of the followers,Surprisingly, she doesn't speak and has hearing problems, so she relies on sign language and feeds through a tube connected to her stomach.
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