While i am grateful for the vote that will multiply what my payout would have been for the week at least by a factor of two, i remember what curation rewards were before delegation and bidbots sucked them all up.
Were the bidbots to burn the money sent to them they would then benefit more than just their owners.
Doing that would benefit everybody holding steem!
The bidbot's owner would then be confirmed in his true love for the ecosystem having put the whole ahead of himself.
I would delegate to such a bot for my own self-interests.
I stopped voting for your owner's witness over his support of delegation and linear rewards.
That decision of his made reward pool rape a household name.
Does he still support that choice, or would he like to see 'good' content curated to the trending page rather than crap posts by folks willing to buy a trending placement?
Also does this reformation of the culture include supporting dissent and 'good' shit posting?
(I wont go into the peer pressure applied to folks that were supporting me, at this point.)
Then with delegated curation in place, they began taking from the value of what support i did get with their advantage in the math.
Remember, when a whale votes all other votes are decreased in value.
Its just a fact of the math.
Ergo, every time a votebot votes everybody else loses money.
This transfers wealth away from anybody that doesnt buy their rewards, you know, real people and not scammers.
When will the bot owners own their part of how that fact drives newbs away from steem and earns us a shitcoin reputation?
I was sold on this place as a free speech zone, open to all, but the first thing those with control did was lock me out of @curie as undesirable.
Whats the matter, jonny, getting your privelege put in check trigger an emotional response or what?
You aren't checking shit.

I vote less than 5% for myself
I share my "privilege" with the community...always have
You should do some research before you decide to police this platform.
You can straight up fuck off, or I can be a thorn in your side...your call.
I'm your huckleberry
Then what was the idea of selfvoting that comment?
I mean, if there was a long list of comments you were trying to get above i could get that, but that wasnt the case, my vote would have moved it up to the top.
But that still doesnt explain the retaliatory flags and threats of more if i want them.
Disagreements on rewards is a legitimate reason to flag, unvoting a post and then downvoting that same post, and more, after my disagreement strikes me as retaliatory, and emotionally motivated.
I agree that you are not a serial downvoter, im gonna pull my flag.
Fair enough, I'll do the same.
I'm not going to go into full detail on why I upped the comment, or why I retaliated on you.
We shouldn't have to explain our actions.
As of now we're both good, let's just move on.
Delegation and bidbots did not "suck up[" all the curation, that ius just not true at all. Dplease donty confuse your own experience with the whole of steem. I bet you were just using steem more and actually upvoting more stuff back then, thats all
You should just use steem more! You've been here since August 2016 You should have a lot more steempower baby now in 2 whole years :D Just post more!
May I suggest @steepshot app and also using Dlive to make live streams with OBS studio software its easy, you should just become a local steemian rtep in your area, theres lots of delegationa nd upvotes for people who bring TALENT to stee,m not just their friends with "talent" but real talent from youtube instagram reddit where all ythe real internet is
I think you must remember bid bots are just a fact of life its just what happens when people learn to use steem and sell their vote! You cants top it! Steem is more complicated than just some place for authors and curators its also for investors! And steembottracker.com has shown what this new decentralized steem powered advertising system looks like! This is just the will of the majority of steempower holders so we have no choice but to accept it or fork into our own version of steem which isn't going to happen sop we must accept the way steem is, no going back. If you like no delegation and quadratic rewards you can try Golos, that's just what they are and look at them, its almopst dead :D it will come back but yeah its sad, we needed delegation and bid bots they kept steem ALIVE, not the other way aaround!
I just sense a lot of minnows think they woulda made more money somehow without bid bots but its just not true! they are the ones holding this place up!
Damnit, ackza, i had a good comment made for you, but it looks like i didnt post it.
When i get back to a keyboard i will try to replicate it.