Thankful Friday: Steemit Paid For My Gifts To My Friends (+and a lot more things actually)

in #thankyousteemit7 years ago (edited)

Inspired by @perennial

Thankful Friday: Steemit Paid for My Salad by @perennial

So I was a little surprised to be tagged in this. I haven't been on this platform for too long and I'm a quite humbled to be tagged. Thanks, @perennial!

Okay, start off, Thankful Friday. Well, I have been very thankful for the opportunity to be introduced to this platform for the things that you can't buy with money. These things include feedback on my work, interaction with my juniors at MMU, interaction with seniors from MMU (eeeyyy, @elliebong), witnessing the work processes of professionals in the Malaysian creative industry such as @aurah, @rambai, @cartoonistpandan, @zord189 just to name a few, and seeing works of international talents like @rideordiestudios and @helenelenoble. There are many things to be thankful for that has happened to me in these 2 short months. I think there'll be more to come haha

While gaining things that you can't get with money is nice, title says 'paid' so let's get to it before it becomes clickbait...


This month, there are two January babies that have celebrations waiting. But "Wait!", you say as your perceptive gaze examines the photo, "There are three bags in this photo!". Why yes, there is.

The third gift is for a friend who's birthday takes place in the unfortunate month of November during our semester break. The last baby in our gang. And last year, I was unable to gift her anything. While she said it was okay, I still felt guilty about it so this is also to make it up to her.

Oh and this is actually the first time I've actually properly gift wrapped (or is it gift bagged?) presents in a long time! I won't be showing their contents as one of them is on Steemit. Gotta keep it a surprise, you know? So yeah, #thankyousteemit for allowing me get my deserving friends these presents. Lets hope they like them~

Additionally, #thankyousteemit for letting me practice some HTML in writing these posts. lol

Time to keep this challenge going! Use the tag of #thankyousteemit and tell us how steemit has helped you financially or emotionally if your blog is always an emotional rant. Let's share.

  • Choose two friends to take up the challenge
  • Keep the chain going
  • Use the tag #thankyousteemit
  • I tag @ellyn-suraya, @serarious, @aa10, @jacinta.sevilla, @thunderbirdcomic, @gordon92 and @calebleejl! You have less than 24 hours to take up this challenge!

    That's it for now. See you next post!


    Gif animated by @zord189



    Gif animated by @zord189

    Banner design by @zomagic. Logo design by @cartoonistpandan



    Hanbun, Steemit has made you a STAR! Ive loved your work since the beginning.

    Aww, thanks, @thunderbirdcomic. Couldn't have done it with all the support. I've been very lucky to be surrounded with such amazing people

    Eeyyy @hanbun 🙋 your friends are lucky to have you ;)

    Haha Thanks~ But I think I'm very lucky to have them. They have to deal with my crack daily xD

    it adds spices to their day I believe ;D

    aww. I came here to read your wonderful story only to realized that you tagged me! so sweet of you to buy gifts for so many friends. even the November baby. love how you kept it real by saying that you couldn't​ give a gift then.

    as for me. I'm pretty new here. have yet to make any withdrawals so this post has got to wait. but I believe the wait wouldn't be too long from now. let's do this together!

    p.s. how do I check for tags? only know how to find replies :/

    Thanks, @cablebleejl. These friends of mine have stuck through me for a few years already so I think this was the least I could do. My November baby friend especially! Always stuck as being the last one to age up! Kesian... xP I think keeping it real is always the best thing to do because what you write always has your emotion and intent in it. It's a given in my book.

    Aw, was hoping you'd be able to make a post too! =( Yeah, I think you can do it, man! Payout's just around that corner!

    Ye...tags. I have no idea actually. I only knew I got tagged in @perennial's post because @serarious told me ._. Gotta explore more. Still very noob.

    aww. happy for you that you've got awesome friends over there. see you around!

    p.s. I'm also working to find how to locate posts that you're tagged in :/