
I have no idea - STEEM chat should be cooperative are they just not responding ?

Do you know who should I contact in STEEM chat to expedite this process urgently?? I haven't received any reply from firepower yet

I've got no clue man - working in some stuff right now - I will however have more time in a few hours / tomorrow morning - my apologies I'm on a deadline. Maybe make a post on your page about it - tag @firepower in the post - ask the community for help. Also Marky Mark juts made a post about plagiarist accounts using bots - I believe you were mentiond - he wants you to remove your votes and blacklist the users - just giving you a heads up.

Does flagging work in the steem chat ?

Could we message steem blockchain hosts ?

There has to be a way.
Fraud is fraud and ahould be frowned upon.