Hey just to be clear, I spearhead the Author Showcase posting from @curie but am not necessarily the curator who discovered all the posts featured :) I wish I could say I am the eagle eye who spotted your post in the first place, but in this case I was merely the bearer of the invitation to the showcase. So cool to see that you are investing in more equipment to increase the quality of what was already, honestly, a very impressive product in the first place! I am excited to see you continue to grow.
Much love - Carl
See you teach us more and more, and your certainly supporting us now, thank you. The bearer is always good, well we are eternally grateful for whoever the hawk eyed individual was. This feedback makes us glow inside, it's an awesome feeling. :) Ben
Oh I found this gem actually. Team curie deserves all of the credit.
Thank you for the acknowledgement.
@dante31, thank you, we think you, @carlgnash, @curie and all it's members deserve the credit.