I Found A Love So Sweet… Steemit It Is. My Gratitude To You, You And You.

in #thanks7 years ago

If you are a Nigerian you could easily relate with unemployment. In fact bit used to be the order of the day before steemit though. Then if you are the ambitious one, one who is particular about making it and being successful in life, then if you are a woman… you will surely have a clear picture of what I am pouring out here. To think of searching for a job even though you know that the job would be given to someone who is well connected, but then you just want to try probably you will be lucky enough to get the post of a clerical officer at least. Which the stipends for a salary will not be enough to settle anything at the end of the month, not even the transportation alone.

Then you sulk, you get irritated easily, Pissed at every little thing. Cry so hard your head aches and tears soak your pillow every night. You wake up the next morning; people around you ask you if you fought a mighty war in the dream that got you a swollen face. But what have you to say to them, tell them you cried all night? No I don’t think that is good idea.

You have dreams but do not even know how they would be actualized; you have nothing to show for anything- only those massive dreams that sometimes scare you and at some point make you weak every time you remember that you are not yet there. Looking at those responsibilities you have assumed to yourself single- handedly, they still lie hopeless. Your heart bleeds and you get depressed, eat less and think more. Your brain is always at work, thinking real hard for a way out. Then a mighty thing happen and just like magic it sweeps you off your feet, yet you are still standing with one feet not knowing if it is real or one of those April fools day in July, does that even make sense?

Someone how you start living a part of your dream, you are beginning to accept what you see and you are starting to give in and know what it entails and how it will change if not all, but some part of those dreams.

Steemit came to me like the star that lead the three wise men to Jesus.
Steemit came to me just when I needed it. It was my miracle; it came just when I was beginning to lose it up there. There is never a testimony in 2017 for me without steemit. I have always had the independent spirit, sometimes I don’t know if it’s a fault or applause. But I think I have accepted myself just the way that I am. I was broke, I wanted to change a lot of things, bi wanted to help too!! I wanted it so bad. I wanted to be self-made. It was not coming just as I wanted. But steemit happened and everything changed again, it changed for good. This is something I am not ashamed to say. I started with steemit!

I know that there is still a life out there for me apart from steemit, but I will never forget where I started from. My 2017 seemed like it was never going to make sense, seemed like I was going to be empty, like there was never going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. But it is only amazing how true love happens, how we find that thing that makes us complete again. Those things that ignite our hope where it’s been buried and makes it shine bright all over again. Steemit is my version of perfect.

You all are amazing.
I stand today to count my so many blessings out of the trials and tribulations. Starting from @ehiboss who showed me the way here, who believed that there is something that I might likely offer. I am really grateful because I believe the word of Milo H. Gates that the finest test of character is seen in the amount and power of gratitude we have. Thank you very much.

When I finally came on board, some people where quick to see through me and gave me their trust and support by encouraging me and putting me through. @donkeypong, the man man I might likely call a smooth operator, I hope he does not get angry at this. But he is so awesome, @stellabelle the brave and ever going woman. She saw what I did not even see in me, @infovore, @fisteganos, @kevinwong,@ausbitbank, @dragonslayer109, @roelandp, @mammasitta my ever friendly and free minded darling @maryfavour, @suppassinggoogle, All those and even more that am yet to remember as I tend to be very emotional at this point.

The Nigerian curators; @gbenga, @destinysaid, @ogoowinner (@ehiboss inclusive) who act through the generous @curie managed by some of the names aforementioned like @donkeypong, @kevinwong and some others if am not mistaken though.

The true fact is that you all were there to show me around. But it never stopped where I am, it was like a wild fire, your generosity spreads all around the platform. I stand to say a big thank you to you all. According to Charles E. Jefferson, Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies. This means that if I do not stand to say and tell how blessed I have been through your love towards me, then I am an ingrate. Towards everything so far, I can strongly say that there is something truly called grace. Thank you so so much.

Thank you!
My stay on the platform made me realize that there are still people in this world that still bore oneness. That is what everyone in this platform has shown and taught me through my stay here so far. My deepest love to my mum @jphilipsagholor and @articfoe my brother. To the Nigerian community, sub-groups like @genesisproject , the euronations, @air-hawk, @steem-lagos, @stach, @air-clinics,@family-protection, @steem-virus, @one-quality, steem-care and the whole Steemians on the platform. You all have in one way or the other touched my life through quality contents and your love all over.

To @ned and @dan for creating a love so sweet like steemit, I appreciate from the deepest part of my heart. Thank you.

In few hours, we would be saying a perpetual good-bye to 2017
I want you to know that even at the eleventh hour tat miracle you dream and wish for can still happen. Hold on tight and still find a reason to be happy. Be happy and count your blessings. It might be something far from mine or anyone else, but I strongly believe that there is still something that has made you happy.
You have to know that as we bounce out of this year, some people are not here today with us, some we started together but here we are and they are no where to be found. So you have every reason to be happy and be hopeful.

What ever it is that you didn’t get this year will surely come 2018, is it a home, marriage, children, admission, job and so on. Hold on and be positive for they are on their way and would soon come to your door mouth.

I love you all and wish you a perfect 2018
I love you all dearly and each one of you will be in my heart. I only pray that you all find that which completes and sustain you. There is still a live apart from steemit, I therefore implore that you still make the best out of where ever you are, what ever you are given or offered and continue to believe that everything is achievable.

I want you to know that I will a good sister, colleague and motivator anytime to the best of my ability. I might no have too much power to do certain things but what ever I can, I will try to be that friend who will motivate and inspire even if little. What ever I can to give back and help I will do.

Though I was groomed to put smiles on faces see post but now it is more pronounced as I am living a life I have always wanted through steem-care see post.

I wrote this post playing PERFECT duet by Ed Sheeran and Beyonce. Steemit is the new perfect. Stay true to yourself and enter into 2018 with a heart free and void of negative thoughts or feelings. Count your blessings and find a reason to be happy no matter what.

I will be going out for the cross over-night and be sure to be in my prayer. I love you all and I user you in a grand way into 2018 in few hours.

Thank you for being my definition of perfect! Thank you and remain beautiful all over. Happy New year in Advance.